Chapter 15 Part 2

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Outside, the sun carved lazy fingers of light through the ever-present haze. The yellow-ish colouring making the ruins look grim and foreboding. Patience didn't like the idea of passing through the school again, with the awful, tiny skeletons, but she steeled herself, keeping her head down as she walked.

On the way towards the next Metro station, they passed a couple of Brotherhood patrols, their power armour stomping along on the broken and crumbling roads and sidewalks. None of them acknowledged the group this time, only watching in silence as they passed each other.

"As far as I can find out, no-one's been back into the next station since me and my patrol cleared it out months ago." Vincent walked beside Patience, cradling his rifle in his arms. "I don't expect more feral ghouls to have moved in, but best to be prepared. Just in case."

"I'll assume the worst and feel pleasantly surprised if it doesn't come to it." They reached the alleyway leading back to Tenleytown station and, even though Brotherhood patrols seemed regular, Patience cleared the corner, sweeping her rifle around. "Gia, how much of the area do you know?"

"Some. I once went to that place with all the ghouls. The museum place." She saw Patience's questioning look. "Oh, no! Not feral ghouls. The other kind that don't try to eat you. Some of them are quite sweet."

"I couldn't even imagine." Patience led the way through the alley, remaining on alert. "So, you've never been near Vault-Tec HQ?"

"If I had, I'd have said. Why all the questions?" As they reached another corner, Patience paused to check the way forward again.

"Sorry. I just didn't want it to be silent." Patience urged Vincent to turn the corner. "It's either talk to you, or 'Brother' Vincent, or listen to Valrie's cursing every other word."

"Hey! Fuck you!" Valrie poked a playful finger in Patience's ribs. "I don't curse every other fucking word. It's every three or four fucking words. You don't want it silent? Turn on your fucking radio."

"Now you're just cursing for the hell of it." Vincent looked over his shoulder and grinned at Valrie.

"You just keep your fucking head forward, 'Brother' Vacant." Despite the words, Patience got the impression the animosity towards Vincent had diminished a little bit from Valrie.

They had turned the corner, now, returning to the square with the Metro station entrance, the globe sculpture and the building with angel statues attached. Patience lifted her arm, switched on the Pip-Boy and started the radio, leaving it on low volume. She had taken to disliking the eerie silence of the city.

Apart from the occasional gunfire in the far distance, there were no other sounds. No traffic noise, no murmur of voices, not even the flapping of pigeon wings, scared into flight by errant footsteps. The city was ghost and they were trespassing in nightmare.


"We all remember the Lone Wanderer. They came into our lives looking for their father and ended up leaving the Wasteland a better place than when they found it.

They didn't set out to be a hero, only someone, little more than a child, desperately seeking their father.

As they searched the Wasteland, they came into contact with people and gave a helping hand when they could and where they could. They became the hero we needed, but never thought themselves a hero.

Now another vault dweller has left the safety of their underground home. This time, searching for their past. The Beautiful Stranger searches the Wasteland helping out when she can and where she can.

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