Ch 18: Beautiful art

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We will be graduating in two months but that is not everyone's concern right now. All they whisper and giggle about is the event in three weeks. The prom. The posters are everywhere too; on the walls, on the lockers, on the doors, heck even in the school gates. I wish I could be as excited as them for the prom.

I don't even have any boy I like in this school. And probably no one is even going to ask me to be their prom date. I will just make a fool out of myself if I stand and wait. Might as well just come to the event for the food.

While walking down the halls, everyone talked about nothing but the prom. I fastened my pace because I am sick of hearing about it.

As I passed by a room I halted because I saw someone inside with familiar blonde hair. And so I took steps backward and peeked by the door. My eyes widened when I realized that it is Asahi who is inside, sitting on a chair in front of a large canvas while holding a color palette in his left and a brush on his right.

"Come in, Brie. Don't be shy." He said without looking at me. He senses me. Well, what do you expect Brianna? He's a vampire.

I clasped my hands behind my back as I walked inside the room. But before I did, I glanced at the top of the doorway and saw that this is the art room. My eyes wandered everywhere, and I took my time admiring the clay, wood, and stone sculptures in the back which are resting upon tables. By the windows, there are a bunch of canvasses. Some are empty and some had artworks in it.

"I haven't been here before," I stated as I walked towards Asahi.

Asahi snickered. "You've spent several months in this school and you're telling me you haven't been here?"

"I'm not in the art club." I replied, snickering.

"Don't you have art class then?" He glanced at me.

"Yeah, but our teacher never took us here." I peeked at what he is painting and I tilted my head. "Who's that?"

I eyed his painting carefully. He has a unique style of painting. But it is beautiful. The way the brown hair and the skin tone look almost realistic makes me adore Asahi even more.

"You're so talented." I commented. "I envy you."

"I envy you, too." He said. "You have something we don't."

He then patted the wooden stool beside him, gesturing me to sit down. And so I did.

"What?" I asked, still figuring out who the painting is.


I averted my gaze to him and saw that he is staring at me too. Is that another reason why they are keeping me safe? They envy my mortality. And keeping me alive must give satisfaction to them, seeing that I haven't lost what they did.

I looked back at the painting and realized that it looks like me. But before I could even say a word, Asahi spoke first.

"Now, all that's missing is your plump and reddish lips." He stated, then he held my chin with his calloused fingers and gently made me face him.

I gasped at the small distance between his face and mine. Its too close. My body is heating up. This is just too much. Jaehyuk and Yedam already did something like this and I feel like I will explode if something like that happens again.

I quickly turned my head and my breathing somehow came back to normal. My heart that was beating rapidly soon calmed down too.

"I want to kiss you so bad." He stated in a deep and husky voice, emphasizing every word.

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