III - The Others

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As I walked I absorbed the scenery. I set off deeper into the forest, following game paths and trails that were so faint, they weren't even there on a few occasions. I walked for about an hour and a half, listening to the birds, feeling the breeze, memorising landmarks and making very faint marks on trees and rocks so I could find my way back another time. I saw a few animals including birds, rabbits, fish in the river and I thought I caught a glimpse of a wolf. The forest was quite beautiful with it's thick, dark green tree trunks that stretched to the sky, the slightly lighter green that coloured the leaves and let some sun through and flowers of all colours bloomed from bushes on the ground. There was a bush that looked like it had berries but I left it alone, not sure of whether it was poisonous or not.

I continued to walk until I heard something. A faint rustling of bushes from behind me, so quiet I almost missed it but it was definitely there. I stopped and turned around. Just as I did I saw a glimpse of movement. It looked like someone moving away. I decided to follow them. I crept after them silently. As I got closer I could make out what it was. It was a man. I could tell by the height and broadness of his shoulders. He was dressed in a pair trousers and a shirt that seemed to be made of the same woollen material. The colour of his clothes was the same colour of the trees. His arms were tanned and hairy and when he turned around. I saw a bearded face. It was dark brown and I assumed his hair was the same as it was hidden by a hood. He wore a sword at his right hip and a bow and quiver of arrows were showing on his left shoulder. He had a long dagger on his left hip and knee high boots. He movements were fast and silent considering his size.

He continued on his way and I followed silently. We walked for what must have been thirty minutes until I stopped. I could hear laughter and smell smoke. I could see a light ahead and figures moving around it. It must be some of the locals. Maybe a hunting party? I thought to myself. I turned slightly to the right and kept walking. I saw the man I had followed walk into the clearing to the others. I crept closer. I would take two steps and then pause. Make sure nobody had seen me and then take two more steps. Go through the same process over and over. I did this until I reached about a metre from the edge of the clearing. I stayed in the shadows of the trees watching them. I counted seven men, including the one I followed. They were all dressed the same and looked the same. They all had the same weapons though all but the man I followed carried their swords on their left hips and their daggers on their right. And their bows and arrows showed over their right shoulders. Clearly not a hunting party. I said to myself. A hunting party wouldn't be so armed. I've seen enough I decided. I should head back and tell the others what I've seen. And with that, I turned and walked back into the forest.


Alice and I took Ivo's advice and decided to practice some archery. I got my knife and carved a target of rings into a tree, then we went to the opposite side of the clearing and took turns to shoot. For forty-five minutes the clearing rang with the solid thud of arrows sticking in wood. We then got bored. I went down to the river to re-fill the water skins and coffee pot and saw a duck on the other bank. I decided to shoot it. After shooting it however, I was stuck with the problem of getting to the other bank. For a couple minutes I thought about all the possible ways I could get over there but none of them were remotely safe nor easy. Eventually, I decided to just swim. I put down the water skins, leant my bow, quiver and sword up against a tree, took off by boots, socks and shirt and put them by the base of the tree.
In only my trousers and armed with a knife, I waded into the moving river. The water soaked the legs of my trousers immediately. The rocks on the bottom were round, smooth and loosely packed, making it hard to walk against the current. When I got to halfway, the water was waist deep and I was having trouble not getting pushed away by the river. Your halfway I told myself. That means the hardest part is done. It wasn't really working.
I decided to try a different method of motivation. Anger. I started thinking about how my father made me feel before I ran away. How angry he made me when he taunted and bullied me. It worked. Before I knew it I had reached the other bank. Exhausted and cold, I slumped on the gravel. Come on Will! The voice in my head was saying. Just get up, throw the duck over, and get back over there. I sighed deeply and got up. I walked over to the duck and removed the arrow from it's neck.
I turned to see Alice on the other bank, next to my stuff looking worried and furious at the same time. "What are you doing over there?" She demanded.
"I saw a duck. I shot it. And now I'm collecting it."
"You had me worried sick! I had no idea where you'd been. It's been half an hour since you left. No sign of you or Ivo and I started worrying. So I come over here to see you've been for a nice little swim and a hunt as well." She ranted. Her ears were scarlet with anger. I always thought she was cute when she was angry. Her brown eyes went fiery and her nose screwed up. Her little hands clenched into fists at her sides. I loved it when she is angry. So cute.
I hold the arrow in my right and look at it, thinking. Then, I turned my shoulders to the left and swung back, releasing the arrow. It stuck in the tree right next to Alice, quivering. She looked at the arrow and back at me. She gave me her best death stare and I felt fear in the bottom of my stomach. I ignored it and took the duck in my right hand. I brought my arm back, a cheeky smile on my face.
"William son of Rickard don't you dare do what I think your going to do!" She shouted, pointing her finger at me.
My smile widened. "Catch." I said as I brought my arm forward and threw the duck. She reached to the left and caught it by neck with one hand. She glared at me as she snapped the duck's neck. Well done Will I told myself. That will be you when you get over the other side.
"Best not keep her waiting then." I said to myself under my breath. I strode into the water, keeping my eyes locked on hers. When I reached the other side I walked up and stood in front of her, my face less than a foot from hers. She was still glaring while I continued to smile cheekily.
"Thanks for holding that for me." I said, reaching out and grabbing the duck from her hand. She didn't reply, only continuing to glare at me. I threw the duck down by the rest of my stuff and moved closer to her. "Have you ever been told how cute you are when your angry?" I whispered softly. And before she could reply, I brought my hands up the the small of her back, pulled her in and kissed her.
Almost immediately she pulled back out of my embrace, probably getting over her initial shock. She slapped me across my left cheek. Hard. I though I was going to have a hand print there. She looked at me straight in the eye. I saw her eyes were cold and full of hate.
"Don't ever, ever kiss me again." She said, coldly. "Do it again, and you'll end up like the duck. Dead. With a broken neck and an arrow through it. Don't touch me." She spat the last three words and then stalked off back to the campsite.
Well done mate. I told myself. She was a winner and you just completely lost every chance you had with her. Solid effort.
"Shut up" I said, putting my dry clothes back on as well as my weapons and went back to the campsite.

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