IV - The Prince

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I sat quietly waiting for the sun to rise and to complete my watch. I heard a movement from behind and I turned around slowly, bringing my bow back to full draw. I lowered my bow as Ivo exited his tent, buckling on his sword. "What brings you out in this fine morning?" I asked, looking at the stars that were still shining.
"An impulse." Ivo replied, searching the area,"I had a strange feeling that I should be up and ready for something."
"Well, I hope your worry is unnecessary."
"Don't we all?" We sat together in companionable silence, each of us on watch, making sure we didn't miss a thing for the last hour before sunrise.

Alice woke shortly after dawn. And as we prepared a cold breakfast she started to complain. "Do we have to eat cold rations again? Can't we light a fire? Even a small one just for coffee?" Her complaints were met with lots of "No!'s" and explanations to back up the answers. As she munched moodily on her dried fruit, we started to discuss what our plan was for the day.
"I think that we should head deeper into the plains, get as far away from those men as possible." I said with confidence.
"And into where? May I ask?" Alice replied critically, "The empty abyss and unknown size of the plains? No thank you! I would prefer not to get lost and die in this barren wasteland."
"What do you suggest then, Miss I-know-everything-and-you-are-so-wrong?" I asked, venom creeping into my voice. "Or don't you remember it was your idea to go into the plains originally?"
"I think that we should allow the men to catch up with us. We can them talk to them, find out where we are and maybe find some way out of this barren wasteland." She snapped.
"What?! Didn't you hear what Ivo said? They are heavily armed and clearly dangerous. You might as well go jump off a cliff it's that suicidal!" I countered with barely concealed contempt. Alice drew a breath to refute but was cut of by Ivo.
"Guys! Just shut up," Ivo said in an exhausted tone, "Look, I know that you two have had your...differences recently but seriously. You're behaving like freaking ten year olds. Yes, Alice we don't know what is in the plains, if there is food or shelter or anything. And yes Will, there are possible hostiles in the forest. But you know what? There is danger no matter what we do. We knew that when we agreed to do this as a team. Right now, this," he indicated to all of us, "is not a team. We all did something that we now regret. Will, you kissed Alice! You probably should have thought more about that. Alice, you are still resentful about it. Just let it go. I had my bloody nose broken, pun not intended, by Will and can you see me arguing with him about it? Do you see me being resentful to him? No! I just picked myself up on got on with it, putting in behind me. I advise you two to do the same." he said, clearly annoyed. "Now, shake hands and pack up your stuff. Will, sort the fire out. Alice, clean up from breakfast." He glared at us, daring us to challenge him. I turned to Alice an held out my hand. She took it and shook it twice. Ivo nodded. "Good. Now put this behind you and pack up. We are leaving in fifteen minutes." And with that he stormed off and started tearing his tent pegs out of the grass.

Fifteen minutes later, we were off, riding further into the plains, stopping only for a quick lunch and to water the horses. As mid-afternoon approached I saw some thing in the distance. Squinting into the distance, I asked, "What is that up ahead?"
"What is what?" Alice replied moodily.
"Is that a city?" Ivo asked in surprise.
"They look like walls to me."
"Let's get there before dark. It can't be that far away." I said excitedly. I had a flood of emotions all at once. A flood so powerful I stopped Stark and stared blankly into the city and grass before me. I felt excitement, joy and relief. But I then felt fear and worry. What if these people don't accept us? What if we are killed on sight or thrown into jail? Questions and doubts flowed through my mind like a river. I them felt a pain on my forehead just between my eyes. I snapped out of my trance like state and saw Ivo get a hi-five from Alice about ten metres away. I looked at Stark's feet and saw a pebble on the ground connected the dots. "Alright sleepy?" Ivo called in a taunting tone.
"Fine, you?"
"Good. Are we going to get there before dark or did you want the horses to stand here until morning?"
"Horses sleep standing most of the time anyway so it won't bother them. But I understand your point. Let's continue." We rode on, Stark having to canter to catch up and then slowed down as we were equal to them. I looked to my left at Ivo and said, "That was a good throw. My head hurts but it was still good." Ivo only smiled in reply.

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