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"Do you understand what is your mission, Ango?"

On the nice-simple chair, seated a white-haired man named Santouka Taneda, a Director of 'The Ministry of Home Affairs' 'Special Division for Unusual Powers'. He stares at me, waiting for my answer.

"Yes, Sir!" I replied.

Director Taneda give me some of paper while said, "You can read the rest in there, also the profile of the accounting firm." He added the last word with heavy tone. "Watch their moves carefully, Ango. This Port Mafia."

I took a glance to the papers, then after i give a little bow, i leave the Director's office room.

Port Mafia, a cruel organization that represents the darkness of Yokohama City. And i'm on the mission to spy on them.

The place where i start to watch Port Mafia is at a small accounting firm, as a helpworker. This firm is Mafia's puppet company.

Of course i'm not planning to build my carrier there for so long.

This firm is the place where i make a commotion by illicit means. Which is surely will make me an excecution candidate of the mafia.

Although i have prepared for my death as the consequences of my job, but i'm hoping for other possibilities that—fortunately—happened.

The leader of the Port Mafia, Mori Ougai, recruited me to be mafia's intelligence instead of executing me. But that doesn't mean he's a kindhearted person.

One year after I joined the mafia, the leader gave me the trust to travel to Europe, which the purpose was to negotiate business with a local car theft agency.

Well, that's what was written on the warrant.

What exactly the command from the leader's mouth was, "I want you to meet with Mimic."

Mimic, is a reputable ability criminal organization in Europe. The leader wanted me to infiltrate them.

I'm not sure does he already knew about me who is The Special Division for Unusual Power's member, because i'm difficult to read his intentions. But i know there's something strange behind his kindness to recruited me.

He wanted me to be his pawn at the very beginning!

Therefore, now i became a triple agent with mediocre salary.

Day by day, my work become harder and harder, that i need to runs my brain & body so much.

Actually, i'm glad i still can handle the hard things in my daily routine. But because of this routine, all of my day become boring!

At least...

Until this two weirdo embraced my both arms.


In my office room at the accounting firm, i screamed so loud while i fought so hard to free myself from both of them.

The person on my left side is a teenager who wore bandages on his right eye and his both hands.

The other person on my right side is a man around my age that has slight expression on his face.

They are incredibly stinks that even make my throat feels an irritation!

"HAHAHAHAHA!! I GOT YOU!!" said the teenager. "You got him, Odasaku?"

The man replied, "Yes. I'm hold him tight."

"GOOD! Then let's take him to the bar!"


They forcefully move my body towards the door.


The teenager replied with an insulting tone. "Oh... you'll still work with all of this stinks, then?"

"Well... If i need to!"

"No! Of course, you can't!"

"Oh, please! LET ME GO!!"

"Just shut up!"

In the end, they success to drag me into a bar called as 'Bar Lupin'. It was a simple and cozy bar. There, we're drinking together and knowing each other.

The man, named Oda Sakunosuke a.k.a Odasaku, is a low ranking mafia. Though he never say the reason, he's the mafia who stopped killing.

Then the teenager, named Dazai Osamu, is the youngest executive of mafia. He's the one who get on my nerves because the topic he like the most for talking is about suicide or how to suicide.

"Death. That's what i desire." He said.

I don't understand him. In such a young age, he begging to die.

I wonder what has been happened to him in the past that inspired him to suicide.

Before i realized, a friendship had been made between us. It was an unexpected bond that i never predicted.

At first they're so annoying, especially Dazai-kun. But after time flies by, being with them is my joy.

However, i'm afraid of this friendship.

Dazai-kun and Odasaku-san didn't know about my true identity. About me, Sakaguchi Ango, being a triple agent.

What would happen if someday they find out about my true identity?

Would they still be my friends?

Somehow, i don't think this friendship will take along time before it's falling out.*****

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