chapter 19: the secret

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coral's outfit of the day/night!! :D (jewelry included)


Blair's P.O.V

"So, man. You ready?" Sam asked me. We were outside smoking before I headed inside for the dinner night with Coral's mom. I was telling Sam about everything that went down yesterday after school with me and Coral. 

I knew when we came back to school on Monday, everyone was going to be talking about what happened. Me and Coral were going to be breaking news. I'm already used to it. Coral? Not so much.

"Honestly, yeah. I mean, I helped her daughter. She has to love me and let me move in." I chuckled taking another smoke of my cigarette. Sam chuckled too and then it started to fade.

"You sure you not using her?" Sam hit me playfully as she took a smoke of her cigarette. I looked at her shocked that she would even think that. Yeah, I'll admit, I did do that to a girl before but I'm not doing that with Coral. I wanted her. I wanted her bad.

"Dude shut the fuck up. If I didn't like her would I have helped her?" I reminded her. She just grinned and shook her head. Does she not believe me?

"Do you actually think I'm using her?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Nah, I'm just making sure. Coral is a little fragile, wait, no, she's really fragile. Be careful with her. I mean, shit, she's been bullied this whole time and she's just been taking it by herself? She had a literal dildo shoved into her ass man." Sam's eyes grew wider in disbelief. I just stared at her.

"Yeah, I know she's fragile, but I don't think her being bullied and taking it by herself proves that. I think that actually shows how strong she is." I justified. Sam nodded in agreement.

"Don't let Andrew steal her away from you now." She joked. I looked at her dead serious. I was still jealous of Coral and Andrew. I was so jealous that I'd kill him if he tried anything with her.

"He should know what's good for him." I smirked. Sam shook her head and laughed.

"What about your secrets? You gonna tell her?" She asked me. I sighed as I fixed my leg on the sidewalk we were sitting on. 

"Which secrets?" I stared at her. She shrugged.

"The mafia secret. Like the real reason you're so rich in the first place besides your dad's big business." She whispered. She knew how confidential that was. My dad used to be a mafia leader but I decided to take it over and since then that's what's been racking up cash. Yeah, the business helps but the mafia does a lot more. 

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