chapter 21: overwhelming

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coral's outfit for the day :D 

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coral's outfit for the day :D 

(ignore the hair, coral's hair is blonde)


Coral's P.O.V

It was now Monday. The weekend was absolutely insane. I mean with Blair's moving in and my mom dropping that big bomb on us Saturday night. I don't even know what to think anymore. 

I want my mom to be happy but this? This was too soon for me. Blair thinks I'm overreacting but what made it even worse is that my friends thought I was when I was filling them in on everything over face time this weekend. 

I feel like they blocked out a lot of other details, they just couldn't stop being excited that me and Blair were officially together. Speaking of which..

I was already nervous this morning, but what made me even more nervous is when everyone was staring at me in whispers and shocks. People looked at me remorseful but also in surprise mixd with awe?

I don't think I can handle all of this. Too many things are going on right now. 

People immediately bombarded me with questions and I was trying my best to answer. People were asking for my phone number even and asking to be my friend.

Mandy was spamming me with text messages, and sending me stuff from Facebook too. Everything was getting too overwhelming. I just wanted to walk over to my best friend Kayla like I usually do in the mornings in peace.

"Guys! Give the girl some room would ya?" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned around to see Sam and three other girls from the softball team follow behind her, the baddies side.

Everyone stared at them in awe and obeyed what she said. I looked to Sam and the girls and thanked them.

"It's no problem, pretty." Sam smirked slowly taking off her ray bans. 

"Do you guys have any idea where Blair is?" I asked them. She was supposed to walk into school with me and she did get her stuff in during the move but she went out last night and this morning I didn't see her. 

Sam and the other girls looked like they knew something though.

"Uh, don't worry, she'll be at school today for sure." Sam assured me. I let out a sigh. Today felt super weird after last time. I felt more popular than before.

I suddenly felt a presence from behind me. Then, arms wrapped around me. It was Kayla, Jennifer and Angela. I smiled at them.

"So much for coming to my locker." Kayla chuckled. I laughed nervously.

"I'm sorry. You saw me getting literally ambushed." I told her. She laughed as Jennifer and Angela and her greeted the softball girls.

 "Is everything okay?" Alex from the softball team asked me. I shrugged and sighed.

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