Chapter 5 - Start of a Despair Lifestyle

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Zeo awoke in a dimly light room tied to a chair. It was a room somewhere on the Island he never knew about. Zeo screamed "hello! Anyone there?". There was nothing but silence. Zeo said "fuck!". Zeo could make out a light switch button.

He tried to take his shoe off but it was replaced with a black boot. So he grabbed something small and used his feet to hit the light switch. It was hard at first it was hard but he managed.

With a click the lights turned on. He was in some storage space as there were tables and junk pilled up against  walls. Then suddenly he saw the door knob turning and once the door opened in stepped a certain someone.

It was Mahiru. Mahiru then said "I brought you food. You need to eat". Zeo then said "how though! I'm tied to a chair and probably going to be tortured by each one of you". Mahiru sat the food down on a table and said "you know Zeo. I thought we all were scary for people. But you actually scare the living daylight out of each of us and it's hard to scare us".

Zeo then said "I honestly don't even know what happened. Something broke inside of me and I couldn't control myself. I'm just worried about my parents". Then suddenly a voice said "you won't have to worry about that".

Zeo glanced at the door and saw Izuru/Hajimi standing in the doorway. Zeo then looked away as he remembered what happened in the Music Venue. Izuru/Hajimi then said "I normally don't say this but. I'm sorry about what happened in the Music Venue. It was the only way to stop you or  you would of paralyzed all of us". Zeo then said "I won't get over it you fucking shot me!" and took my gun somehow".

Mahiru finished feeding Zeo and left with the plate out of the room. Zeo then said "If your going to torture me. Just hurry up and do it". Izuru/Hajimi said "We aren't going to torture you. But you know about the punishments". Zeo then said "oh so your going to kill me then".

Izuru/Hajimi then said "we would normally do that but this is different we aren't going to kill you. But as your punishment you are going on an exhibition with us. Whether you like it or not". Zeo then said "then care to explain where my original clothes are". Izuru/Hajimi then said "don't worry about them there with everyone's else".

Zeo then said "oh great, not only am I forced to go on a exhibition with the Remanence of Despair. I'm also forced to dress like one. Even though I'm not. Pathetic". Izuru/Hajimi then said "The remant look suits you".

Zeo then said "shut up! Anyway where is it were you all are going?". Izuru/Hajimi then said "Towa City. To save your mother and father". Zeo then said "alright then untie me and let's get going". Once done Izuru/Hajimi untied Zeo from the chair and Zeo stormed out. Once Zeo had left Izuru/Hajimi then said "to save your mom and dad. Ha. To watch your mother and father suffer in your hands. Via our little game".

With that Izuru/Hajimi left the building and went to the docks.

It didn't take long until the others notice Zeo. He then said "for the first thing I want to say sorry on how I acted in the Music Venue". Gundam then said "no hard feelings fellow mortal! It was quite impressive!".

Zeo's expression dropped and said "I shouldn't of said anything. You guys are alright about mass murder and torture". Kazuichi then noticed Zeo's outfit and said "wow you actually suit a despair look. All we need now is blood on it and your set". Zeo just said "ha.ha.ha very funny. Yeah that ain't happening"

Nagito then said "well since your the only sane one out of us all you can drive the boat". Then Izuru/Hajimi stepped onto the boat and said "alright let's get moving".

With that Izuru/Hajimi, Nagito and Zeo entered the captains cockpit. Nagito then pointed at the steering wheel and said "alright Zeo do your thing". With that Zeo placed his black gloves over the wheel and started the engine and started driving the boat Towa City.

It was now night time when they all arrived at Towa Cities outskirts. Nagito then said "ah home sweet home". Izuru/Hajimi then said "ugh, back here to this boring dump". Zeo then said "ugh, you guys were here?".

Nagito then said "yeah I resided here as a servant of the Warriors of Hope". Izuru/Hajimi then said "Or should you say Warriors of Despair". Zeo then said "the warriors of what?". Nagito then said "the warriors of hope. Such a sweet bunch of kids". Izuru/Hajimi then said "ha, more like a sweet bunch of Psychopaths".

Zeo then said "ugh, I don't...hmm". Nagito then said "the warriors of hope resided of 5 kids. There was The sage Monica, The leader Masuru .  The vice leader Nagisa, The fighter Kotoko and the priest Jataro" Zeo then said "Alright and what exactly did they do". Izuru/Hajimi then said "I can't believe you don't know. I'm sure you said early that you are from Towa City".

Zeo then said "yeah but I've been locked away in a cell for a long time don't forget and I just want to know which one of you started it and luckily he's in here so I'm fine".

Zeo then said "alright enough of small talk. How we get into Towa City". Nagito then said "there are two ways into the city that are still functional just ones a little crumbly. The first is the secret entrance from the Shrine where Genocide Jack cut my legs with her scissors. The second is where I took Monika to become the next successor but it is really crumbly".

Zeo then said "well I guess it's the secret passage way then".
Izuru/Hajimi then said "Agreed. I'll tell the others". With that Izuru/Hajimi leaves the captains room and Nagito showed where the secret entrance exit is located".

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