Chapter 10 - An unknown attacker

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It was the next morning and the beginning of another "Biggest, Most Awful, Most tragic event in human history" and Makoto can't do anything about it as he is held captive. Makoto then said to himself "didn't The Remnants say that they won't start another event like before. To me in the Neo-world Program. Hmm I guess I miscalculated".

Then suddenly Yasuhiro woke up and said "you still on the floor Makoto. Wow, what was in my food last night". Makoto then said "I know and me and the ground have become friends with each other over night. *sigh* I'm still useless. I have become a traitor to nearly everyone I know at my work place and look what happened there".

Yasuhiro then said "Yeah, It's easier to switch sides. That's what I did". Makoto then said "yeah, I guess hope can't save everything. I'm a total fraud. But still I won't give into Despair! No matter what!".

Yasuhiro then said "Yeah, just wait till you are shown the video I was shown. It was awful". But before Makoto could say anything gun shots can be heard from the hallway and suddenly Nagito burst through the door and locked it behind him and said "We have intruders and they aren't the Future Foundation or anyone we know. We need to get out of here!".

Yasuhiro then said "we could if we weren't tied up!". Then Nagito pulls out a knife and Makoto says immediately " what are you going to do with that". Nagito then said "relax, I'm not going to stab you".

With that Nagito walks over and cuts the rope that has Makoto stuck to the chair. Once Makoto was freed he stood and waited for Nagito to cut the rope off Yasuhiro. Nagito then said "oh and by the way, Izuru/Hajimi told me to free you. I'm not doing it on my free will".

Makoto then froze and said "what! What about the others?" Nagito then said "don't worry they are safe" Nagito finished off freeing Yasuhiro and said "let's go!". With that Nagito walks over and breaks the glass as Quietly as possible and said "this way!".

With that Yasuhiro, Makoto and Nagito all leave through the non-glassy window. The window exited onto the Third Island but there were loads of uniformed people and barbed wire everywhere. Makoto whispered "it's true, they aren't from Future Foundation. But who are they?"

Then suddenly a voice from over the uniformed people direction said "alright we have everyone. Except 4 people: Makoto, the Ultimate Hope. Yasuhiro, the Ultimate Clairvoyant and Nagito, Ultimate Despair and Ultimate Luck. Then Izuru/Hajimi the leader of the Remnants of Despair. Lock this island down!". Then he walked away.

Nagito then whispered "I hate how I always am called an Ultimate Despair and not by my real Talent".
Izuru/Hajimi came out of nowhere and whispered "well, you are a Remanent of Despair. You did help start the Tragedy".

Makoto then turned and quietly said "where did you come from?".
Izuru/Hajimi then said "well duh, Its blatantly obvious I knocked out. Not killed, two people who thought they could capture me."

Makoto then said quietly "alright Ultimate Power Ranger. Any ideas?"
Izuru/Hajimi then silently said "can you not!". Makoto then said quietly "do you know where they took the others?". But before anything was said the others noticed the four hiding and shouted "FREEZE!".

Yasuhiro then said "fuck they found us! What do we do now?".
Izuru/Hajimi then said "its obvious. We have to fight!". Makoto then said "Wow! Slow down! I don't know how to fight I'm a coward!". Nagito then said "well you are going to have to try".

Izuru/Hajimi then said "If you don't know. At least try this!". Izuru/Hajimi pulls out the Gun. Komaru had in Towa City and Makoto then said "how on earth did you get a hold of that".

Izuru/Hajimi then said "your soter dropped ot when those people dragged her away". Makoto grabbed the gun and said "I can try!". With that the four of them jumped and attacked the other party and quickly defeated them.

The four ran through the on conscious other party that they didn't have a clue who they were and head straight to the motel and all hid in one room. Once safe Izuru/Hajimi then said to Makoto "Makoto who are your buddies". Makoto tried to catch his breath and said "first, I don't have a clue who those people are, and Two, I've never heard of them".

Yasuhiro then remembered the helicopter trying to Shoot Yasuhiro said "I might find the answer if
Izuru/Hajimi or Nagito answers my question". Izuru/Hajimi then said "Don't worry about Nagito you should ask me. What is it?"

Yasuhiro then said "Alright
Izuru/Hajimi tell me this. While everyone except me. Where fighting to the death inside the Future Foundation. By chance did the Remants try and shoot me dead".

Izuru/Hajimi then said "as much fun as that might of been. No, it wasn't us as we where all on the boat heading to help people in the future foundation". Makoto then said "ah, that reminds me. Why did you help Future Foundation? I mean we where like your worst enemy"

Izuru/Hajimi then said "I'll let Mr White haired boy explain". Nagito then said "you mean me?".
Izuru/Hajimi then said "yes dumbass". Nagito then said "oh, ok. Well we actually weren't helping the Future foundation at all". Yasuhiro then said "well who where you helping?".

Nagito then said "it was actually Makoto we where helping. Not the Future Foundation". Makoto then said "what! Why me of all people?"
Izuru/Hajimi then said "let's just say repaying the debt. As he was the only Future Foundation member to not want to put a bullet in us. He broke the rules of The Foundation to help us."

Makoto then said "now it makes since". But before anyone could reply voices outside said "we know you are in there! Fill the whole Motel with Sleeping gas". Then suddenly the air ducks in the motel room started producing a pink fog that made the four fall asleep.

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