Chapter 2 - Bate Took

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Makoto and the future foundation then received the message from the Remanence of Despair it said: "Hope you got a kick out of our little game. You understand now we assume. The future foundation is boring. You all want your happy endings, your perfect ideal world, your hero saved at the last minute. From some ex mockea. Where's the fun in that? Good thing we are here. If we had a mission statement it would be to make life more interesting. Let's face it this world may need despair".

Aoi then said "ugh sounds like Junko". Then Byakua said "well the world now thinks the Remanence of despair were behind this and not the chairman". Makoto then realised something "ZEO!" Byakua then said "who's that?".

Aoi then said "oh no! He was another member of class 77. He was the Ultimate Actor". Byakua then said "but how's that possible there was no name like that in the register of the class" Makoto then said "no, but there was one originally but it was in the school records. When The remanence of despair arrived to help us. One of them probably entered the records and found the year book".

Yasuhiro then said "But what happened?". Makoto then said "He was expelled before our year arrived. He accidentally killed someone and was expelled but the school kept him enrolled as he was the main part of the Kamukura Project. Future foundation found out before them and took him into custody".

Aoi then said "then we will have to go and save him. He might still be in that building". With that Makoto, Yasuhiro and Aoi entered the building while Byakua stayed outside to monitor the video.

The three entered the building and followed Makoto to where Zeo was kept. They made their way to the area just to end up seeing a horrible scene unfolded.

Each cell that had a person in it had a monitor and all the inmates committed suicide. Makoto said "oh no! The chairman must of played the video to each of the inmates before he died". Yasuhiro then said shocked "wh...what happened in here while I was outside". Makoto said "your lucky that you didn't have to go through it".

Aoi then said "Makoto we might be too late!". Makoto ran over to the cell Zeo was in and saw that the glass was smashed everywhere he then said "they have him and god knows what they are going to do to him".

With that Makoto got a phone call from an unknown number and said to the other two "Aoi and Yasuhiro check this scene. I have a call to take". Makoto then walked out of the wing and answered the call.

It was Ryota Mitarai! Makoto said "hey Ryota I don't remember giving me your phone number. How did you get it?" Ryota then said "Oh Izuru/Hajimi told me. Anyway hows things?"

Makoto then said "But I don't... oh Ultimate everything I forgot. Anyway everything's fine just wondering where an Inmate Had gone off". Mikan heard Ryota talking with Makoto and walked over and said "hey Ryota! I brought you some food. I see your talking to Makoto. Can I talk?". Ryota then said "yeah here. Thanks Mikan".

Mikan took the phone and said "hello". Makoto shocked said "oh wasn't expecting you or any other Remanent to talk to me after you left. What can I help you with?".

Mikan then said "Makoto, what is it like being Ultimate hope?". Makoto said "well that's a weird question. It's fine I guess". Mikan then said "did you all get our message". Makoto then said "yes we all did. Everyone here except the surveyors of the Killing game. Think you guys were behind it".

Mikan then said "well we all did it as a thanks for keeping us safe from death. Even though the Junko AI virus entered and made it another killing game". Makoto then said "yeah sorry about that! It wasn't suppose to happen. The Neo world Program was in its beta stage".

Mikan then said "Yes we know. It always seems despair follows us anywhere. Even into a virtual world". Makoto then said "well you guys are the Remanents of despair". Mikan then said "haha very funny. We know. Anyway it was good talking to you. Oh and don't worry about Zeo he is in good hands. Hahaha!". With that Mikan hangs up and tells Ryota if she wants him to throw the phone off the side of the boat. Ryota replied "I'll do it myself. Don't worry".

With that Makoto entered back into the wing.

Meanwhile on the boat it had just reached Jabberwock Island and the others took Ryota by the ha d and gave him a tour of it. Leaving Zeo with Izuru/Hajimi.

Izuru/Hajimi said "so you are the missing classmate I found in the Year book for this class. Don't worry we won't hurt you...much". Zeo then said "so you are Izuru. You won't break my mind like the others". Izuru/Hajimi then said "how boring, first I may of been the one to bring the virus into the Neo world Program. But that was a mistake. So Zeo tell me a little about you? You were expelled before I was made. I literally know nothing about you".

Zeo then said "I'm not saying anything to you Remanent. Yes I heard what you guys did. Future foundation will come and save me". Izuru/Hajimi laughed and said "oh wow you really are boring. Oh and don't count on Future foundation don't forget why you were there. In fact why don't you tell me ". Zeo then said "well I was kept safe from my former classmates".

Izuru/Hajimi then said "oh so that's what they told you. Oh such lies. You want to know the truth why you were under the foundations custody?". Zeo tried to move a little to knock something over but Izuru/Hajimi grabbed a knife and held it to Zeo's throat and said "I wouldn't dare!".

Zeo started sweating intensely and said "what you going to do. Murder me!". Izuru/Hajimi said "oh boy I don't think you know what your former classmates are capable of now. I mean you were expelled for accidentally murdering someone. True Despair indeed.".

Zeo then said " did you know?". Izuru/Hajimi said "two things, one, I know everything. Two, I read your profile". Zeo then backed himself up into a corner and said "so this is what you guys do. Break people to the point of despair. Typical. That isn't happening me". Izuru/Hajimi then said "oh really well If I can't turn your mind wicked I'm sure this video can". Izuru/Hajimi pulled out his phone and showed it to Zeo's face.

Zeo saw a fire extinguisher and punctured it and created a smoke screen and ran out the door saying "not today satan". Izuru/Hajimi then shouted "your trapped on 5 islands. Good luck finding a hiding spot". With that Izuru/Hajimi created an announcement: "Warning all Personal prisoner is on the run. Ibuki and Hyoko take the first Island. Nagito, Mikan and Ryota take the third Island. Peko and Fuyuhiko take the second Island. Mahiru and Kazuichi take the main Island. The rest of you the final Island. Find him and bring him to the hotel".

With that everyone split up and went to search each of the islands.

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