Chapter 1 - A long time reunion

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It was the middle of battle to get to Ryota Mitarai in the annex. Izuru had found the file room for all the students names and classes they were assigned to. Izuru then said "how boring". Bit he lifted the file that had class 77 names.

He started flicking through the information until he came across someone he hasn't met with Hajimi or himself during his Despair days. The information said "Name: Zeo Zantrea, Talent: Ultimate actor, Class: 77. Expelled due to cheating on his final end examination and accidentally murdering someone but the Academy wished to keep him on as scientists haven't fully observed his talents for the Kamukura Project".

Izuru/Hajimi said "oh so he is why I lack emotion. His talent was going to be my emotion stats. Interesting.."

During the Neo world Program at the end Izuru said that he will implant Chiaki A.I into his head so she doesn't die in vane. She appeared and says "he wasn't there when you all were turned into bloodthirsty Remanence of Despair. He was expelled but they still wanted him so you could feel emotion if you went fully Izuru and Hajimi was deleted he would of been your emotion. That explains why you didn't feel any emotion as Izuru and the Hajimi in you that loved me saw me laying dead. Made you cry".

Izuru/Hajimi said "yeah I guess". Chiaki then said "I guess you should find him he might be a great asset to you all". Hajimi's eyes light up with a neon red and said "Yeah a great member of despair". Chiaki then said "oh yeah I forgot. When the shutdown happened you still kept your memories of being ultimate despair. Remember violence isn't the answer".

Izuru/Hajimi then returned back to normal and said "sorry chiaki. Anyway I'll continue looking through this to find where we can find our fallen classmate". Then suddenly Mikan and Hiyoko burst through the door and Mikan said "Hajimi! There are more coming!". Hiyoko then said "well duh pig brain". Izuru/Hajimi said "I might of found another lost classmate from your class. Do you know him". With that Izuru/Hajimi turned the book around to show Hiyoko and Mikan.

Both girls light up and said "We haven't seen him in a long time. He was expelled before junko arrived. But why keep his file?" Izuru/Hajimi then replied "Because of me, they were going to use him as my mood cycle. During my Just Izuru days".

Mikan then replied "he was my boyfriend I thought he died somehow". Izuru/Hajimi said "oh so that's what love is". Mikan then said "yeah". Then suddenly Akane bursts through the door and said "there's more". Izuru/Hajimi said "do you guys know how to knock". Hiyoko then said "I think you forgot we are still Remanence of Despair. We don't have manners".

Izuru/Hajimi then told Akane "can you find this person". With that he showed her and explained.

Meanwhile still waiting for rescue somehow. Zeo is sitting on his bed behind the glass of his cell. Zeo then said "oh no! The Remanence of Despair, my old class is here. I'm terrified". Zeo has been locked in this cell for God knows how long. He stood up and walked over to the desk and sat down. He then said "Thank God I was expelled or I would of ended up like them. I still don't get it. How did this future foundation find me?"

Then suddenly the bracelet on Zeo's arm said "sleep time. Beware the monitor in your room". With that Zeo then falls asleep. A couple of minutes later Zeo heard a bleep from his wrist. He was woke up and then he saw it. The monitor in his room was on.

Zeo ran for the door to try and open it but couldn't. The voice on the monitor then said "looks like the killer found you". Then suddenly a flash of horrid things started appearing and Zeo began screaming. It was too late. The suicide despair took a hold of his brain.  A knife was dispensed from the monitor. Zeo ran over and grabbed the knife and about to end it when the glass smashed in his cell and a person grabbed the knife and broke it. Then Zeo woke up from his trance and then knew who it was. It was Akane. Akane then said "you fell into the wrong despair their pal. If I didn't come save your ass you might of killed yourself".

Zeo then terrified back up as far as he could away from Akane and said "stay away from me! You monster!". Akane laughed and said "that's no way to treat your classmate Zeo. I'm sure you heard the story".

Zeo then said "yeah... the one with literally all my classmates turning into Ultimate Despair and murdering others all over the globe". Akane said "look! I know it may be hard for me or anyone else in are class to be forgiven. But don't forget why you were expelled 2 years ago".

Zeo then said "I was expelled because of cheating on my last test". Akane then said "that isn't the only thing why you were expelled". Zeo then stopped and froze in fear and said
" someone in cold blood. I didn't want it to happen honestly!" Akane then said "Don't forget we Ultimate Despairs murdered our family and friends. That's worst than accidentally killing someone. You haven't told us anything on why you murdered that person. You can tell us now. We murdered. People in the name of despair".

Then Zeo noticed a fire extinguisher liying on the floor he burst it and made a run for it. Akane said "Oh no you don't!". Then Akane rugby tackled Zeo to the floor and tied him up. Threw him over her shoulder and took her to the boat before returning.

Akane sat Zeo down in the captaines cabin and said "I didn't want it to come to this. But Zeo if you move I will kill you with no remorse. End of. So stay, I have others things to attend to".

Once outside the cabin Akane texted Izuru/Hajimi "Zeo is in the cabin. Tied up was the only way". Izuru/Hajimi texted back "alright go check on Teru Teru. He needs help".

Meanwhile in the annex Ryota Mitarai said to himself "not long now". When suddenly a huge bang can have heard from the entrance. Ryota turned around to see what the commotion was about he was scared and shouted "IZURU KAKUKURA! Stay back this world will no longer feel despair once I'm finished here".

Izuru/Hajimi said "so that's your plan. Eliminate the despair in the world. But what about funerals. Some despair is needed in this pathetic world. What about us. Your classmates". Ryota Mitarai then said "it's my fault so many people have died here and everywhere else. I just loved making anime. I didn't want to be used as a tool by anyone. But I was a coward. I lot Junko take advantage. Can't you see! I'm the reason she turned you! It's my fault!".

Izuru/Hajimi said "so that's why you want to get rid of Despair. You take the blame when its not just you. Listen, we all made mistakes. I'm not saying it will change but. If that's how you feel. Why don't you join us". Sonya said "Yes we would gladly let you join the more the merer". Then one by one the rest agreed while Makoto was hiding outside.

Ryota Mitarai then said "you want me why?" Mikan then said "isn't it simple we can show you what it is like being one of us. Plus we all were classmates we know each other".

Ryota Mitarai started crying and turned around and pressed cancel and said "I'm sorry its my fault". Woth that all the Remanence of despair started gallering around Ryota Mitarai. Ryota fell into his friend the ultimate imposter's hands and he comforted him.

With that all the remanence of despair left the building being
Izuru/Hajimi  first and catching up with Makoto who was making his way down. Once caught up Izuru/Hajimi said "so we will take the blame for this destruction as it looks like our work and two, thanks. Hope we meet again Rival. Oh expect a message from us later". Then Izuru/Hajimi speed up pass Makoto.

Then suddenly heels and trainers could be heard running towards Makoto. He looked back to see that Mikan and Nagito had caught up with Makoto. Mikan asked "I'm terribly sorry what happened Kyoko. Truly" Makoto laughed and said "oh, so I guess you guys do have feelings". Mikan then said "just because we killed people doesn't mean we are sinful people. We were brainwashed". Then Nagito pushed Mikan and she fell and Ibuki and Hyoko ran over to help her.

Then Nagito said "oh I'm such a big fan of you makoto. I hope we meet again". Then Nekomaru and Akane lifted Nagito and continued walking. Akane then said "this dude I swear".

Once on the boat and far away from the ruins of the building. Izuru/Hajimi entered the captains cabin where Zeo was kept. Zeo said "Izuru Kamukura! Oh no!"

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