Chapter 3: Welcome

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The sunshine finds it's way into Y/N's room, waking them from their slumber.

Sitting up from the bed, Y/N began to piece together events from last night. I won the fight? I WON THE FIGHT! you thought. This was going to be a huge advantage for your bank account. Propping yourself off the bed, you begin to quickly change so you can head out and claim your reward at the front counter.

The little note from last night caught your eye. Oh yeah, this. Is this supposed to sound like a threat? Maybe it's Hisoka trying to have a rematch against me. Not that I wouldn't win again, you smirked to yourself. For the sake of pride, you decided to go.

The day quickly zoomed by, your face and name all around the arena as the girl who defeated the magician floor master. You almost forgot about the note by the time it was eleven thirty, when you were in the middle of taking a bath. Right. The note, midnight. Quite hesitant to move from your comfortable leisure, you decide to finally dry yourself off and head to the abandoned buildings.

Upon arriving and entering, you're quick to realize that Hisoka is nowhere in sight. Instead, a tall figure with black hair wearing a long coat with fur on the edges welcomes you.

"I see you've received our message, Y/N." the mysterious man said. Chills ran down your spine, you can sense his powerful aura. Why did he summon you here? Did he want to fight you? Rob you? The countless thoughts started to formulate in your mind that you didn't realize the presence of more people entering the building.

"Boss, is this the one?" you jump at the sudden noise behind you. You quickly turn around to be greeted with 12 more people. Crap, you thought, I'm surrounded. Mustering up the confidence, you spoke for the first time upon entering the building. "Why am I here?" You hear a couple of scattered chuckles. Did they think this was funny? Could they not sense the fear in my words?

"We heard you defeated Hisoka last night," the tall man with the fur coat said, ripping your focus away from your own thoughts.

"Yes, I'm sure everyone has heard of it at this point," you slightly brag, trying to sound as confident as possible.

"It was quite impressive to see someone work their way out of Bungee Gum, I think you're the first."

You stand there staring at him. Where is he getting to?

"You know, Y/N, the rules of the troupe states that anyone who defeats a member is to replace them."

"The troupe? Replace who? Are these your members?" you asked pointing to the group of 12, "Do I have to fight one of them?"

A smirk forms on the man's face. "The Phantom Troupe."

Your body instantly stiffens. The Phantom Troupe? But there hasn't been any news about them for the last three years. Is this really them? Is this some kind of sick joke? Am I going to die here?

"Don't look so frightened, no one here is going to fight you. You're already in the troupe." He explained with a smile.

You give him a confused look, your mind too crowded to compose proper sentences.

"Hisoka was number four. Now that he's lost the fight against you, we're welcoming you into the troupe."

You finally understand now. You were the replacement member, Hisoka was kicked out after your victory. You can't help but feel bad for Hisoka. He had lost a lot after your fight.

"I don't kill," you said. Too intimidated to say no directly, you hoped that they would get the hint that you are rejecting their offer.

"We're not asking you."

The words made your heart quicken. Were you going to be forced to kill now? Go against your morals? Be help captive by these powerful people? "I'm not joining your group. You physically can't make me. Might as well just kill me here and now," you stated. It was true, you'd rather be killed then kill. The guilt of knowing you took someone's life would eat you up for the rest of yours and throw you into a never-ending state of guilt.

"If you don't join," the tall figure said, he was the only one talking this entire time, maybe that means he's the leader? You thought. "we won't kill you." A wave of relief hit you, you were going to be alright.

"We're going to go after your family instead."

The harsh words brought your focus back to him. Was he blackmailing you? How low of him. Your family was your everything, you still remember leaving your home town to start fighting at Heavens Arena. How everyone had a worried look on their face, but you knew behind those worrisome eyes they trusted that you were able to take care of yourself. Trying your best to hold back the terrifying thoughts of anything happening your family, you glare at everyone around you.

They really had you trapped, physically and mentally. "Even if I do join, I won't kill. I don't kill." You reminded them.

A loud laugh echos from the group of 12. A large hairy man in fur attire begins to walk towards you with a smile on his face. "Don't you get it? If you don't do your job right we're still going to go after your family." You can't do anything but stare at him, he could crush you like an ant if he wanted to.

"Uvo don't scare them now," the leader said, "Y/N we have plans for the upcoming auctions that are coming up in a few days. We wouldn't usually go as far as to blackmail someone but there's just not enough time to find and recruit a new member."

You finally understood. They needed you more than you needed them. So much so that they're willing to hurt you to have you join them. Not very surprising of their violent tendencies, this is the Phantom Troupe after all.

You let out a breath that you didn't know you had been holding. With the most uncertainty in your entire life, you force yourself to forfeit for the sake of your family.

"I'll join."

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