Chapter 4: Settling In

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"I'll join." The words ripple through your mind. Starting at that moment, you had begun a new life has troupe number four.

"Great," the leader smiles, "Welcome to the troupe. I'm Chrollo. Feitan will escort you to retrieve your belongings and give you your tattoo."

Tattoo? First I'm forced to join this little group and now I have to get tattoo? They're asking a lot from me. You silently complained in your mind.

You had no idea who this Feitan was, but as a small figure in all black started to walk towards the exit, you took the hint and followed. The walk to your hotel was silent. Uncomfortably silent. You can tell he wasn't someone well with words.

After arriving at your hotel room, he watches you pack your belongings. You didn't bring a lot of things with you, just some clothes and money. This trip to York New was just supposed to be some training for you to improve your fighting skills, who knew you were going to be dragged into the Phantom Troupe.

You took a little bit too long packing up your very few assets, so much so that the man at the doorway had to rip you away from your thoughts.

"Hurry up." The first time you've ever heard him talk. You shoot an annoyed glare at him, too afraid to talk back. Who knew how dangerous he is? How many people he's killed? You didn't want to find out.

Quickly picking up the bag that you've just packed, the two of you head out the hotel and back to the abandoned building.

Making your way in, you were welcomed by the cold stares of the other troupe members. Expected, you thought, they just don't trust me yet.

From the corner of your eye, you see Feitan make a turn into one of the hallways. Scrambling to catch up, you sprint into the same hallway and into a small room with two chairs and a table.

Feitan, already seated on one of the chairs, starts preparing the ink and needle. You quickly sit down onto the second chair behind him and spectate his actions. His steady hands assembling the equipment, dipping it in the ink, and turning himself to face you. He doesn't say a word, rather just stares into your eyes and waits for you to tell him where you want the tattoo.

You're mesmerized. His dark purple eyes staring right at you, you begin to forget what you were here for. Feitan doesn't say anything. He gives you time to prep yourself, he thinks you're just nervous and thinking about where you want it. Both of you are locked up in this intense - yet comfortable - stare, when you're interrupted by a happy blond stepping into the room.

"Hey Fei- oh." He says, walking in to catch you both staring at each other, faces just inches apart. "Um sorry a-am I interrupting something? I'm just gonna-" he stutters, turning his body to begin making his way out.

"Shalnark. What." Feitan says in a harsh tone. You look at Feitan and then Shalnark, then back at Feitan. He seems mad, annoyed even, did you do something wrong?

"N-nothing, forget I was even here!" Shalnark smiles as he dashes out into the hallway as quick as he can. You can tell he was afraid of Feitan, he must be very respected in the troupe, you conclude.

Feitan turns his head and focuses back to you, lifting the needle up as a gesture that he's ready. You understand his actions and begin lifting up your right sleeve, just over your bicep and onto your shoulder. You rest your arm on the table and hear the needle begins to work its magic.

It was quite painful in the beginning, this was your first tattoo after all. How big was the tattoo going to be? What colour? Has Feitan done this before? Not even a minute into the session, your thoughts are interrupted by Feitan's soft, raspy voice. "Stop shaking."

You look at home confused, then back down at your arm. He's not wrong, you were shaking quite a lot actually. I must still be shaken up from all this, you thought to yourself. You keep staring at your arm, hoping it can stop shaking.

It doesn't, you're too tense. You can feel his patience wearing thin. You begin to panic even more. The thought of having to kill and being surrounded by people that could kill you without hesitation starts to take over your mind. You take your eyes off your arm and look at Feitan with a blank stare. You don't know what to do, the fear has taken over and you can feel yourself slowly crumbling under the pressure.

"Are you scared of me?" You hear him question. This time he doesn't speak with the harsh tone like he did with Shalnark. His voice is soft and reassuring. He is genuinely worried about you.

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