Chapter 9: Taken

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A cold gust of wind blew through the room, waking you up from your slumber.

Eyes blinking open, you're greeted with Feitan's concerned expression looking down at you.

"Feeling better?" he prompts.

"Mhm. Still feeling kind of dizzy though," you respond. As you close your eyes to fall back asleep, you feel the soft touch of the back of his hand on your forehead. Giving him a confused stare, he simply explains with, "No fever. Good." You can't help but let out a small chuckle.

Finally sitting up from beside him, the troupe's base suddenly feels so empty. A good amount of the troupe members are missing.

"Where is everyone?" You ask, frantically trying to remember the events of the auction night.

"Uvo was taken," Feitan explains. There was no sense of worry or stress in his words. You begin to wonder if he even cares about Uvo at all. Surely he does right? The troupe members must be very important to him, yet how was he able to say those words without any emotions? He must be very good at controlling his emotions, you conclude.

"After the auction Uvo was fighting and he was captured by chains," Feitan continued. Chains huh? "Nen?" You interrupt. With a nod, he adds, "Has to be."

Not long into you conversation, several bodies appear by the doorway of the hideout. It was Uvo and his rescue squad.

A wave of relief enters the building as everyone lets go of a breath they've been holding in this entire time.


Almost immediately after Uvo returns, he's off again to face the chain user on a fight to the death.

Shalnark joins you and Feitan as he shares his worries.

"You're not giving him enough credit," Feitan reassures him, "This is Uvo we're talking about."

"You're right, maybe I'm just thinking too much," he laughs at himself.

Behind those big round emerald eyes, you can see through Shalnark's upbeat persona and sense that his heart actually holds great worry and fear for his friend Uvo. This is the first time any of the troupe members have shown any kind of weakness really, during a time when one of their lives could potentially be in danger.

That's when it hit you, despite Uvo's reputation of being the strongest, Shaknark can't help but worry, he views Uvo as family. The troupe members are all outcasts of society who's been shown nothing but hatred for things that they cannot control, the only sense of family and love came from each other. While a group of murderous bandits doesn't sound very comforting, it was all they had. In the end of the day, no matter what possessions they stole, how many people they killed, it was still the troupe members that held the highest priority in each of their hearts.

"Y/N," Feitan's voice interrupted your train of thought.

"Yes?" you respond.

"You okay?"

I'm more than okay, but the real question here is: is Uvo?

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