Chapter 1: The Monster

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Once again, his sword was knocked out of his grip and fell onto the floor. 

"Wow, you're worse than I thought," Techno smirked, leaning on his sword and looking down at the blonde.

Dream scowled, getting to his feet and picking up his weapon. It was the third or fourth time Techno beat him, and he didn't know why. Usually, they would be tied, but for some reason he just could not focus today.

Was it because he barely slept last night? Maybe he was distracted by something? Regardless, he was definitely worn out and tired, rubbing the back of his head.

Techno lived in a large castle, but he decided to stay in the village Dream lived in a month ago as he wanted to spend time with Wilbur, an important member of the town. When he was introduced to the boy and got to know about his achievements, he saw him as a tough competitor and they fought against each other daily.

"I'll get you tomorrow," Dream retorted, lifting his mask a bit to take a sip of water.

"Oh no, I'm so scared," Techno walked towards him, sarcasm dripping off his words. "You know, Dream, maybe next time we should fight without weapons. Just with kicks and punches, for a change. Since, you clearly can't fight with a sword. Will that be okay? Or are you hands also incapable of fighting?" he snickered.

Dream grit his teeth. He deeply detested that pig. "You know, Techno, my hands could do something else." he sneered, stuffing his water bottle back into his bag.

He intended to say that he could damn well beat Techno without a weapon, but his words came out very wrongly. Techno tilted his head, confused, before his face reddening. "Whatever," he scoffed, clearly flustered, turning to his heels and walking away.

Dream quickly realized what he said, his cheeks turning rosy. He heaved his sword and slung it over his shoulder, adjusting his mask and shuffling out of the arena. 

When he emerged from the doors, he noticed a large gathering of people around the bonfire. The sky was beginning to grow dark, meaning that him and Techno have been fighting for a while now. 

" we must be very alert," he heard Wilbur announce. "Keep an eye out for everyone." 

The crowd broke into nervous whispers and chatters as Wilbur finished his speech. Dream shoved through the sea of people, searching for his friend. When he saw the boy, he tapped his shoulder.

"What's going on, George?" he whispered.

George, slightly surprised by his sudden appearance, replied, "There's this really dangerous monster living near the woods who attacked a village uphill yesterday. Apparently all the houses were destroyed and several people were killed. Wilbur thinks it may come to our village soon." 

"Wow," Dream frowned. "What's it called?"

"It doesn't have a name, but I call it Nightmare."

Dream raised an eyebrow. "Wow. Like me, but the opposite." he nodded. "George, I will hunt this monster down."

George turned to Dream in horror. "Are you insane?"


"Dream, this thing is terrifying! People described that it was this enormous black-furred creature with red eyes and razor-sharp teeth! You will be killed!"

"Ah," Dream sighed. "You say that every time. Yet I am still alive."

"Dream, this is different. This is no joke. All the monsters you've fought before? This one is a thousand times worse. Please, for God's sake do not go looking for it!" George begged.

Dream paused. "But, George. I'd rather die protecting the village than just staying here, waiting for it to come attack us. If those rumours are true, everyone here will either die or lose their homes. Do you want that? I don't. That's why I'm gonna hunt that thing down before it causes more chaos."

George stared at Dream. His mouth moved a bit but no words came out. He sighed, focusing on the ground. "Good point. But me and Sapnap are coming along."

Dream opened his mouth to protest, but George interrupted him. "It's either we all go or no one goes." 

The blonde looked at George, then at Sapnap who joined the conversation. "What's up guys?" he said cheerfully, nudging them.

"We're going to hunt that monster down. We're leaving tomorrow morning." George said, before spinning around and leaving. Sapnap gawked, watching him slowly disappear into the crowd and shifted his gaze to Dream.


"You heard him," Dream shrugged, turning to the other direction and walking away, leaving Sapnap standing there like a statue. He whined, muttering something about scary dogs, before going back to his room to pack his bags.


Dream stuffed some extra clothes in his bag, before zipping it up. He contemplated whether he should tell Wilbur about his plans, but decided not to. Wilbur might be worried for them and stop them from going. 

He looked at the bottle standing on the table, its purple liquid bubbling and fizzing. Hesitating, he reached for it and slipped it into his pocket. 

He might need it.

Sighing, he propped his backpack up against the leg of the table, before covering himself with a blanket. 

Tomorrow is going to be a big day.

Welp, that's it for the first chapter. Any suggestions or corrections are welcome. Stay tuned, it gets more interesting. Next chapter in 2 or 3 days. Thanks for reading! <3

-dainty <3

Monster Hunt // Dreamnoblade (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now