Chapter 11: Twisted

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Here's chapter 11! Damn, I wrote this so fast.

Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments! :D

TW: Swearing, light gore

Without further ado, let's begin! 


As everyone cheered, the world seemed to fall apart and crash down on him. Something boiled in Wilbur's stomach. So many emotions and questions clouded in him. It stung when he gulped, as if he swallowed the bitter truth. He shook his head slightly in disbelief. 

"No..." he muttered. 

"I told you this was sus," Dream whispered to Techno.

"Is this really the right time?" he sighed.

"How...?" Wilbur stared at the stage, his face lacking emotion. "This entire time...?" Before anyone could stop him, he shot up and glared at Schlatt, growling, "You."

The audience fell silent and everyone turned to his direction. The air was thick and tense. Eyes were all on him, anticipating his next move. Schlatt raised an eyebrow, tilting his head and beaming at him. 

"Sit your ass down, Wilbur." Phil commanded under his breath. "Don't create more trouble, for god's sake."

"Ah!" Schlatt smiled. "Wilbur, my old friend!"

"I'm not your fucking friend anymore!" Wilbur snapped. Schlatt covered his mouth in fake surprise. 

"Ouch, that kinda hurt..." he sneered. "But you see, what I used just now was called sarcasm. Do you understand that word, or do you need a dictionary? Maybe some tuition? An encyclopedia?"

Some people laughed while Wilbur kept a straight face, still staring daggers at him. "Why would you do that? Destroy all those villages?"

"He didn't destroy them, the monster did! He doesn't control the monster!" a random man piped up in the crowd. 

"Oh, no," Schlatt turned around. "See, that's where you're wrong, Maurice. I did have control over it."

The audience gasped.

"Quite a journey, actually," Schlatt paced around. "You see, when it first got me, it was the one pulling my strings. But after a while, I learned how to pull it's instead." 

"You bastard!" Wilbur interrupted. "Why? What has anyone done to you? We were friends-"

"Were," Schlatt corrected sharply. "We were friends. Hey, remember how when we were younger, you were always that gifted kid, that perfect friend? And how, and how, our parents always compared you to me?"

Schlatt took a step closer. "All my life, Wilbur, I lived in your shadow. I lived in your fucking shadow. And you never noticed. In fact, you always made fun of me! You excluded me when you played with other friends, you laughed when something bad happened to me?"

Wilbur breathed heavily, refusing to maintain eye contact with him. 

"See? You're not defending yourself, because you know it's true. You brought this upon yourself, Will."

The entire castle was quiet. Water dripped from the ceiling and onto the ground, causing its sounds to echo in the building. No one dared to make a noise. Everyone looked to and fro between a bad friend, and a murderer. A good option would be to flee the place, but god knows what the Nightmare could do to them. 

A sigh escaped Wilbur's lips. "You're right," he admitted, keeping his gaze on the floor. "I was a really bad friend. And because of that, you became a murderer!" he chuckled weakly. 

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