Chapter 10: Surprise

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Here's Chapter 10! 

It's a short chapter, but it has a plot twist...

The next chapter will be much longer, with a bigger plot twist :D

Enjoy! <3


"You mean... he will kill them all."

The man, clearly offended, remained silent. Suspense hung in the air. "Well, of course that, but remember, it chose me first. I just... perhaps I wasn't the right one."

"So you're sure the effects kick in soon? I mean, the other half was injected a few minutes ago, how would- what if you make a fool of yourself?"

"Do you trust me?" the man snapped. 


"Y-yes, I do."

"Then stop asking dumb questions, and go out there! The show is starting!"

"Yes sir."


"It's not going to eat me, right?" Tubbo asked for the fifth time.

"No, Tubbo. It's probably going to be locked in a cage or something. They won't just let it loose." Wilbur assured him. 

The interior of the castle was more like an arena, the audience sat in seats circled around the empty ground. The place was filled with excited chatters. There was a large set of blood-red curtains on one side with a small stage. 

"I still have a really bad feeling about this," Dream muttered as Techno rested his head on his shoulder. 

"You're overthinking," the pinkette replied, his voice muffled. 

Just then, a man in a suit emerged from the curtains, silencing everyone. Techno raised his head and studied him. 

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!" he announced. "Today, you are in for a treat!" 

The audience applauded and cheered. 

As the announcer continued talking, Dream scanned the castle for any suspicious figures or items. He searched through the crowds of people and his eyes landed on a axe near the stage. No weapons were allowed inside, so if anything happens, that axe should be able to help him. 

Continuing to look around, he saw the man he bumped into earlier, staring at the stage in anticipation, as if he was waiting for something to happen.

"So where's the monster?" a man from the audience yelled impatiently. The announcer shot him a look, but controlled his temper, giving him a flashy smile.

"Well, you see, there's a slight... twist to this entire monster thing. You see, it isn't exactly a monster. It's a parasite." he breathed, still smiling. "And it requires a body. So the monster is currently in a human body. And when that human can't control it..."

He made an explosive motion with his hands. "It becomes the monster."

"Right, so where is it?" the same man shouted. 

The announcer took a deep breath and glared at him. "If you could just be patient and let me continue, sir, that would be good."

The man grumbled loudly and rolled his eyes, zipping his mouth shut.

"And, there is absolutely nothing to worry about, because the monster is currently in human form. Well, two." Dream didn't understand the two part, but this entire event was so sketchy, nothing surprised him anymore. 

"So it won't hurt anyone." when he said that, his eyes glinted maliciously. It seemed like he was trying to drag the introduction longer, for some reason. 

"You can't tell me he isn't sus," Dream remarked under his breath.

"Dream, everything is sus to you. Just relax." Techno whispered.

"No, like seriously, something seems so off here. Something's gonna happen."

"Nah, I don't think they'll try anything. There's like, so many witnesses here."


"Shh," Techno silenced him and held his hand. This made him shut up. 

"And now," the man announced. "We welcome it. Well, him. Give a round of applause for the host of Nightmare!"

The audience erupted into applause. High whistles and enthusiastic cheers filled the castle, making the dead and lonely place more lively. People pumped fists in the air, whooping loudly. Someone peeked out of the curtain sneakily, as if taunting the viewers. 

And then, he emerged.

The man. The Nightmare in human form. 

But he was something else too. He was also the man who sent them here. The man who offered them drinks. The man who held a festival, where Dream and Techno had their first kiss. The man who gave them a ride here. 

The friends looked at each other and froze, going quiet. 

Then Wilbur broke the silence. 



Oop- ya'll probably expected that, but you ain't gonna expect what's gonna happen next, so stay tuned!

The next chapter or two is probably going to be way longer than this one, once again I'm sorry it's so short.


See you in the next chapter!

-dainty <3

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