Chapter 6: The Festival

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Yeehaw I told you I would post this within a day

Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments! <3

Here's the 6th chapter (the first part was kinda rushed cuz it was kinda unimportant lmao)

Enjoy! <3

"Nice room," Dream commented.

"Would be nicer if you weren't here." Techno grumbled. They were offered a bedroom they could stay in overnight but the twist was that they had to share it, and they were not happy with that. 

"We could place like, a barrier on the bed between us." Dream suggested, looking at the one queen-sized bed. Techno agreed. 

"Eh, we'll do it later. You can go there first, I'm meeting Wilbur later so we can go in together. I hate social interaction."

"Okay," Dream opened the closet. "Nice, they got all this fancy ballroom outfits." he lifted out one of them and held it over his body. "I like this one. I'll go change first." he went into the bathroom. 

When he emerged, Techno looked up from the table. He looked dashing-uh, stupid. He grabbed his clothes and went in to change.

(yeah that was so rushed but I just wanted to point out the room sharing thing lol, it gets better)


"Please don't get drunk, Wilbur, I need you. Sober. I hate social interaction." Techno begged under his breath as they made their way to the entrance.

"Ok, well, I can't promise that, but I'll try." Wilbur shrugged, opening the door to a completely different world. "After you."

In short, the entire room was just loud and noisy. Multicolored lights shone in every direction, metaphorically blinding him. Party music blared in the speakers and the people present were all either dancing, chatting or drinking. In a matter of seconds, Wilbur had disappeared in the crowd, leaving Techno alone. 

Shit, he thought. Damn it, Wilbur. I hate you. I hate this. He tried to jostle through the crowd to look for the exit, but there were too many people and he had completely lost his way. He darted his eyes to search for somewhere quiet he can go to avoid any interaction. His eyes lit up when he saw a small lonely table near a bar.

He refused to maintain eye contact with anyone and pushed through the sea of people to his desired destination. He sat down contentedly, happy to be far away from others. Now, he would just have to sit and wait for Wilbur or someone to come and find him.

He sat there for a while, contemplating his life decisions. He felt like a child, waiting for his parent to find him after they lost him at a mall aile. No, Techno stood up. I am independent. I don't need anyone's help, right? I'll find someone. I'll find a way out.

He didn't even take a step before he sat back down. He was way too nervous to socially interact. Maybe he could just wait for someone.

He sighed, and sat there for a good while, staring at the wooden texture on the table. He could use the time to rethink his life decisions, or plan his future.

"'Ello!" his thoughts were interrupted by the bartender. "Care for a drink?"

"Uh-" Techno stuttered. "N-no..." he shook his head. "No thank you."

"Mate!" the man grumbled loudly. "Why come here and not drink? Might as well just-"

"Yeah sure! I'll take one! Your best recommendation!" he didn't want to talk with the man, even though he hated to drink. It burnt his throat and made him dizzy.

Monster Hunt // Dreamnoblade (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now