Chapter 4: Wasps

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Yay, I'm done with the chapter, here it is!

My humour is very broken, so I'm sorry for the unfunny jokes I added in here lmao

Also some parts may not make sense, sorry!

Credits to @raven_named_Noa! She gave me the ideas for this chapter! Go check out her account!

Well, enjoy! <3

"Holy , I'm tired." Tommy grumbled as they climbed up. "How are you still going, big man?"

"I heal fast," Dream replied. 

"Great advice, I'll just go and learn this skill, be right back." Tommy rolled his eyes. "Now I need to rest. Tubbo too. Right, Tubbo?"

"No rest," Wilbur panted. "We're running out of time. We've got to stop it before it's too late." 

Suddenly, Tubbo stopped abruptly, causing a chain reaction of the single-filed others bumping into each other. Techno fell backwards into Dream's chest, causing him to blush, despite the tension they had before. Tubbo's shoulders heaved, his face all sweaty and red.

"Oh my god, he's having a heat stroke!" Tommy screeched. "Tubbo's dying! Help him!" he attempted to guide him to a place to rest.

"Tommy, he isn't dying nor having a heat stroke." Wilbur assured him, like he had exaggerated similarly before. "He's just tired. We should rest over here." 

Tommy, not reassured, nodded unsurely and followed them to the area. It was almost the tenth time in the two days they travelled that Tubbo had to stop because he was too exhausted. 

As Sapnap and George left to fetch more water for the fallen soldier, Tommy fanned Tubbo with his hand, continuously blabbering on about his well being like a worried mother. Their friendship seemed like a bully-and-sidekick relationship to others, but in honesty, that was just their personas. They got to know eachother many years ago when they met picking mushrooms in a forest. Since then, they became the best of friends. They were extremely close to each other, they shared secrets with each other, they always talked amongst each other, they went on adventures together; they had the most pure and wholesome friendship.

"Wow," Techno admired. "I want that kind of friendship."

Wilbur cleared his throat loudly. Techno raised his eyebrow and looked at him innocently. "Got a cold?"

Dream snickered at the man's offended face. "We have that kind of friendship!" Wilbur protested. Which was partially true, well, the bullying part of course. When they were younger, Techno once set Will's paper boat on fire so that the boat would look 'cool', but honestly he just wanted to see his friend miserable. In spite, Wilbur attempted to drown Techno's pet fish, until he realised fish can't drown. Because of this, he started crying. When Techno asked if he was okay, he grabbed the animal and flung it at Techno's face. 

"Yeah right, me and Dream have a closer relationship than me and you." Techno scoffed. 

"Untrue," Wilbur folded his arms. "But you two could make it closer~" he muttered, trying to suppress the cheeky smile that was starting to grow on his face.

"Wilbur," Techno smiled. 

"What?" Dream tilted his head in conclusion, pretending he didn't hear what he said. 

"Oh, I said-"

"I will decapitate you."

"-okay." Wilbur zipped his lips up. 

"Ello, we are back!" Sapnap announced in a forced British accent, waltzing over. His hands, which he held out proudly, were empty. George, on the other hand, was grasping onto the handle of a heavy bucket, staggering behind him.  

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