Chapter 12: Transferred

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Ello I'm back with another chapter! This one is quite long!

Q: Was the last chapter good? I feel that it might have been too predictive, or not well-written?

Thank you for 5K reads!!!! :D

TW: Some swearing, Light gore

There are some... descriptions this chapter, so if you are sensitive to it, be warned!

Let's start!


Soon, Dream was replaced with a terrifying creature that towered over the audience. His cracked mask lay on the bench, the smiley split in half. People screamed, running around the place like headless chickens and trying to break through the doors but to no avail, as it was thick and locked from the outside.

Schlatt had run off somewhere to hide, but no one knew where he went, though Techno swore he saw him darting behind the curtains. 

Techno gulped, slowly inching away from the monster who stood there, heavily breathing, in attempt not to alarm it. Everyone around did the same, some people looking around and grabbing random items for weapons. 

Despite the noise around them, they remained silent. Suspense hung in the air. They moved away, praying they wouldn't agitate the monster. 

Then, someone near it accidentally brushed past it and all hell broke loose.

The Nightmare howled, shot up into the air and pounced onto the arena, chasing after people and ripping them apart. Tommy reached out and covered Tubbo's eyes, pulling him in to hug him as he whimpered in fear. 

Bloodcurdling screams filled the castle as the Nightmare wrecked everything, clawing at the walls and preying on the humans.

"What do we do now?" Tommy yelled over the noise, wrapping his arms around his friend. 

"We have to kill it!" Wilbur replied.

"What?" Techno shouted in disbelief. "But you'll kill Dream! And how are we going to kill that thing?"

"We're gonna have to somehow get that parasite out of him then!"

"How do we-"

Before Techno could continue, the monster spun around, glaring at him, before sprinting towards him and pouncing on him. 

Techno, thank his quick reflexes, jumped backwards and dodged it, pulling out something from his pocket mid-air. Everything seemed to go in slow motion. 

Then, he landed on his feet, holding out a sharp pocketknife. 

"You snuck that in?" Tommy gaped.

"Run, Tommy!" Techno shouted as the monster turned around and faced the boy. Tommy screeched before he bolted off without hesitation, dragging Tubbo along with him. 

Before the creature could follow them, someone threw a rock which hit its back, causing it to howl in pain.

"Come here!" Phil taunted, his hand still in the air, before sprinting off and leading the monster away in a different direction. 

"What the actual fuck do we do?" Sapnap yelled. "How are we supposed to kill it?"

"Maybe we don't have to?" Techno suggested. "Maybe we can somehow bring him back!"

"Great idea, how do we do that?" Wilbur demanded. 

Techno paused for a while. "I'll try to talk to him. You guys stand by. If anything happens to me, you know what to do."

Monster Hunt // Dreamnoblade (Dream x Technoblade)Where stories live. Discover now