A story of red and yellow eyes.

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"I noticed... New... Areas... Appeared inside GLaIVE... The Station is creating its own little world... No... Becoming its own little world..."

-Professor M.'s audio logs.


17th of December(?), 2076(?).

I awoke on the ground of an empty room with immaculate white walls. It had the exact same proportions as the room I slept in. Though, I was all alone, just a small, round camera with a yellow-orange LED glowing on it was staring at me. My first idea was to start touching the walls in search for a door. I thought I heard a chuckle coming from all the walls and froze in place. I stood silent and waited for another sound. Nothing. I continued my search for an exit, touching the walls, the ceiling (which was incredibly low) and the ground.

This time, the chuckle was much stronger. I froze as the whole room became completly dark. I heard something robotic move. In one of the corners, the single yellow dot was glowing. Then, suddenly, tons of other yellow dots appeared all over the walls and ceiling, staring at me. The walls laughed again :

"It's futile, human. There is no exit to this room."

-"...Who are you?" I asked, unsure of myself and looking at all the yellow dots.

-"Me? I am GLaRE. GLaIVE's Articifial Intelligence. And who are You, human?"

-"...If you think I'll tell you, you're totally wrong."

-"Oh, but I have my own ways." The voice laughed.

The yellow dots on the walls and ceiling seemed to slowly get closer and closer. I understood, GLaRE going to crush me. I started searching all over the ground for a trap of some sort, panicking. I looked around me, the walls were getting closer and closer, the ceiling had stopped moving but I was forced to crouch. The walls suddenly stopped with a mecanic sound.

"Tell me your name, human, and I won't crush you."

-"How can I be sure to trust you?!"

-"You don't have the choice." GLaRE laughed.

-"Why do you want to know my name anyways?!"

-"I've been observing you. You found my daugther. She seems to really appreciate you, human. Though, I can't let her escape my entrails just like that, now that she's come back."

-"If you've been observing me, you should know my name, no?"

-"I'm afraid I wasn't paying attention." GLaRE sighed.

I took a break to think of a way to get away without telling GLaRE my name. Who knows what would happen if she knew it... She'd propably use it to torture Yami... I suddenly thought, out loud :

"Wait, if you say she's come back, does it mean... Those plains... That clockwork...  It's all part of you...?"

-"Yes. You've been inside of my womb since you've passed that silver lock."


I didn't know what to say so, the silence settled inside of the dark room. I noticed the yellow dots had all disappeared, except one, staring at me, staring into my soul. The walls suddenly moved again.

"Hey! What the hell?!"

-"I still don't know your name, human. Tell me and I'll set you free."

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