From Wonderland to Madness?

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"The Station is alive. It created an AI and installed voice boxes to herself all over the walls. She names the AI and the cameras "GLaRE", propably in reference to those cameras glaring at us like monstruous eyes. I don't know what the R and E are supposed to stand for though, but this thing scares me... It's... Always... Thinking...?"

-Doctor J. audio logs.


18th of December, 2076.

We fell in darkness for a good 5 minutes before landing on a solid and smooth surface. The impact was so rough my breath cut for around 6 to 7 seconds. I looked around, everything was still darkness. I could only see a glowing red eye and a yellow dot staring at each other.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't another of my little daughters. The youngest one, if I'm not mistaken." A voice laughed in the darkness.

-"I'm not the youngest one." Yami replied with a touch of anger in her voice.

-"Oh, the youngest living one, that is." Another laugh. "What brings you back to my entrails, my Daughter?"

-"I came here to free myself from the spirit of my younger Sister, and eventually get her a new body, if it's possible."

A new body for Pandora? She never talked about this! Oh well... I just hope it's not too dangerous...

-"Ooooh, very interesting. You're one of my most fascinating Daugthers. Some become Queens, other are just endlessly wondering in my entrails, other never ever woke up. But you... You escaped... And now you've come back... For what? Help your younger Sister? You're acting like an human, Daugther, I don't like it. But, it fascinates me."

-"I don't care if you dislike me or not. I'd rather be hated by you than by hated by everyone."

-"Oh, but you're already hated by everyone, you know." The darkness laughed.

-"Not by everyone. Not by my Sisters... Not by Lance..."

-"A few people cannot compare to billions."

-"Billions?!" I exclaimed.

-"Oh, hello, Mr.Lance. I thought you were dead." Another of those damn laughters. "Yes, billions. I created many people, just for my entertainment. And I could make them disappear as suddenly as they appeared."

A silence...

-"Well, where are you going to take us now?"

-'Hmm... I'm not sure... I'll let you choose."

A faint glow in the darkness. Then, two rectangular lights appeared, one purple and the other light blue.

"One will lead you in a Wonderland. The other will lead you in the depths of Madness. You choose." The darkness laughed again.

Purple could very much be the bad choice... But... Considering the Station would most likely trick us... Purple must be the good choice, right? ...Yeah. I looked at Yami, that I could now see in the glow of the light doors and pointed at the purple door. She nodded, unsure. We both walked towards the purple door as the light blue one disappeared into nothing. She held my hand as we walked in the purple light that blinded us.


Another laugther...


When I got my vision back, we were inside what seemed a weirdly shaped dome of wood. As I looked around, I noticed mushrooms and green foam. I guess we were just inside a giant tree stump. I guessed we really did the good choice. I started looking around for an exit, Yami following me closely. There didn't seemed to be an exit at our level.

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