Don't you want to see the stars?

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"I stared at the monster, looking at her sister's dead body. She collapsed on her knees. And she cried."

-Diary of Professor M.


2nd of November, 2023.

The past few days have been pretty normal, except for one thing : I keep having the same weird dream. I'm in a monochrome version of my apartment and I'm all alone. I look out of the window, the world is stuck in an endless night and no lights are open, just darkness everywhere, slightly ligthened up by the pale moonlight. I'm all alone. Not a soul. Nobody. Then, suddenly, the moon becomes red, like if a lunar Eclipse just happened. And it turns into a red eye. A red eye staring at me, never blinking, never looking away. I feel like it's always observing me. I'm scared.

Today, when I woke up, Yami was already up. I found her in the kitchen, staring at the wall, talking to herself... Or more likely to someone, but who? Her shadow...? She turned her head to me and smiled as soon as I stepped it. I still wonder if this smile was fake or not? I remember I had to go to the grocery store to get some food since we were out of, well, food. Yami refused to come. She was scared the Police would find her with me, I understand. She finished eating as I just started and she looked at me.

"So, Lance, what do you want to hear now?"

-"...What do you mean...?"

-"The story. My story."

-"...I don't know, Yami. I don't know."

Another of those damn silences. It seemed even heavier today.

"...I'll just finish eating first, I'll see afterwards." I said.

-"...All right, I'll be on the couch, like always."

The same schedule seemed to be reapeating every time I got to know more about her past. Breakfast, talk, headache, sleep. But, somehow, I wasn't bored of it. I quickly finished eating and went to the living room's door. I stared at the door. My hand was shaking. Was I ready? Ready for what...? See her cry again? ...I don't want to...... But... I need to know more... I grabbed the handle and pushed open the door, she wasn't staring at the wall this time, she was staring at the door. She waited for me. I sat down next to her and she kept looking at me, not at the window. A silence. Again.

"...Huh... Yami..."


-"...Why are you staring at me like that?"

-"....Huh... I have no idea, really."


-"...So... What do you want to hear?"


I thinked a little. ...Right. The Nova prototype thing.

"Well, what about this "Nova prototype" thing the officer was shouting yesterday?"

-"...Huh... Well... You see... I told you I was created not born, right?"


-"...I was created back in 1987, in the GLaIVE space colony. I was the final prototype of the Project Nova, along with Pandora."

-"...Project.... Nova...?"

-"...I shouldn't be revealing this to anyone normally... It's suppose to be hidden to the public... The Project Nova consisted in creating a specie of humans stronger and more agile than normal humans to counter an upcoming menace."

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