Chapter Three

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(Author's Note: Hey everyone! I had just a quick message to tell you guys how much I appreciate you all. I noticed that this book went from five views to over a hundred over night. I've written fanfic on this platform before and it's done very well but there were also times I've tried writing other fanfics and they haven't done as well (causing me to actually take them down). I was worried no one would enjoy this fanfic or even take their time to read it but now I see that that isn't the case with this particular book and I'm very grateful for that. I started publishing this fanfic simply because I wanted more Konohamaru fanfic for myself and it just really makes me happy to see others reading it and enjoying it. If you guys ever have questions for me or just want to interact with me as the author then please feel free to comment. I love interacting with my readers because it means the world to me! So yeah, I just wanted to tell that to all you guys. Once again, thank you so much! XOXO)

~Konohamaru's Point of View/ Still in the Hokage's office~

"First, we should introduce you two to each other. Kakashi, will you go get (Your name)~San." Kakashi nodded as he walked out the office door. This was bound to be interesting like Naruto said. "Konohamaru, this is (Your name)~San. She is Kakashi's successor." My eyes widen in shock. It was the woman I saw Kakashi speaking to earlier. That explains what Kakashi meant when he asked her how things went. He was referring to the written exam which she passed. "(Your name)~San, this is Konohamaru. You will battle against him in order to show me your jutsu skills. If you do well you will undergo his wing until he decides that you are worthy of becoming a Shinobi. If you pass the battle like I said, he will monitor you as you work alongside him to see if you make a good team mate and if your skills are useful in battle. Do you understand?"

"Yes Hokage." (Your name) turned to face me and bowed. "I heard that you grew up with Naruto teaching you in many ways. I look forward to seeing your skills in battle and hopefully working alongside you. I also hope it is of no inconvenience to you and if so I apologize."

"(Your name)~San. If you do pass the second part of this test, you will not only be working alongside Konohamaru but my son as well and his team as Konohamaru is their team leader. As you can imagine, I must install a lot of trust in you to have you around my own kid and the other members of Team 7 as they are important to me." Upon hearing Naruto's words, I realized something. Naruto really wanted to this for Kakashi, but he was scared to do so.

"I'm aware of the members of Team 7. I know it consist of Saskue's daughter and another person's son who I won't say out loud. Kakashi didn't inform me himself so he's not to blame. I just so happened to do my research beforehand." 

"I see. So you're already aware. I guess that alone tells me you're very resourceful. I hope you haven't told anyone else."

"Of course not. Quite frankly, it's none of my business anyway. I just found it rather interesting." (SPOLIER ALERT FOR BORUTO SEASON ONE: Mitsuki is Orochimaru's child and that is what this conversation is referring to.)

Naruto signed. I didn't know what they were talking about but clearly it was something only a select few were supposed to know and (Your name) found out. "Well. I think we better get to the location I have decided upon for this battle. Should we get going?"

"Okay." Me and (Your name) spoke in unison. 

~Outside the walls of the Hidden Leaf Village on a cliff~

"The rules are simple. One of you has to surrender. You will go on the count of three. One...Two...Three."

I prepared myself to go on the defense but before I could even take a breath or blink (Your name) face was beside mine and her left fist was buried into my stomach. I felt blood rise up to my mouth and I spat it up. Much to my surprise I wasn't half way around the world right now.

"Give up now and I won't hurt you."

I smirked. "You say that but you've already made me bleed."

"I've barely tapped you." 

My eyes widen as I new world came to engulf me. "A genjutsu?" Suddenly I felt my arms being lifted above my head and when I looked up in pain, I saw chains around my arms coming from the darkness which surrounded us. 

"Watch what develops before your eyes." For some reason (Your name)'s voice calmed my mind and body. It almost felt as though she didn't want to actually battle me; and so I listened to her words and just watched. A small room formed before my eyes with nothing more then a small window covered with black paint and a little bit of light coming through the bottom of the door which was clearly the door to enter this room. "Can you guess where this is?"

"If this is some kind of trick I'm not falling for it."

"Is that a no?"

I paused. What was she getting at? "I don't know."

"This is where I use to live before Kakashi saved me. This is simply nothing more then an illusion of the room I was imprisoned in."

"Why did you bring me here."

"I don't want to fight or hurt the person who is suppose to help me become a shinobi. Instead, I just want you to approve of me and tell Naruto that I'm worth the time it takes to make me became a shinobi. If I really wanted to, I could easily make you surrender or kill you, but that's not how I want to go about this. Sometimes all we have to do is talk to solve problems but you never know that until you try."

For some reason I felt sadness take over my body. I remembered that there were times Naruto would change people just by talking to them. Sometimes a simple conversation would save a life; but most of the time, that was never our first option to take. 

"Why here out of all places?" 

"I lived here for all of my childhood until Kakashi saved me. I tried to kill him in this very room when he first entered but he didn't fear me. Instead he still saved me. I was nothing more then a weak little abused girl, but he saw something in me and took a chance with me. So I have to ask you, will you take a chance with me?"

It felt as though a light had beamed upon me as (Your name) released her genjutsu. I scoffed and couldn't help but laugh a little. (Your name) looked my way, clearly confused and shocked as to why I was laughing. 

"I'm sorry. You just reminded me of something very important. Alright, I surrender. You win." I raised my hands in the air. 

(Your name) smiled, a smile of genuine gratefulness, and fell to her knees. I watched as tears feel down onto the ground. Was she crying? I lowered my hands and slowly approached her body. She was shaking. Her hands trembled in her lap and she made sure to keep her (Your Hair Color) (Your Hair Length) covering her eyes. 

"You went there, didn't you?" I turned around and saw Kakashi standing behind me. I looked back at (Your name) as she shook her head up and down once. "What have I told you about that?" Kakashi raised his voice slightly as if he was angry. "You don't have to go back there anymore. You don't have to prove yourself to anyone by taking yourself back to your painful past. So why? Why did you do it?"

I looked down. Now I see. I bent down to (Your name) and held out my hand. She jumped up slightly in surprise and then looked up at me. The sun beamed in her (Your Eye Color) and I felt my heart skip a beat. 

"Konohamaru. I don't want you to call me sensei like the other members of Team 7 which you'll be around. Now how about we go and let Naruto know that I surrounded?"

(Your name)'s orbs widen in shock. She smiled, nodded, and grabbed my hand. "Okay."

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