Chapter Ten

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(Konohamaru's Point of View)

"Alright! Now that we got the flowers we can rush over to the grave and caught this ghost! Come on Mitsuki!"

"I don't think so." (Your name) stopped Boruto and Mitcuki from running off by using shadow manipulation.

"Huh?! How come we can't move?"

"She's using shadow manipulation on us." Mitsuki pointed out to Boruto.

"You guys are going to take your time walking to this grave so you don't ruin the flowers. And to make sure you do that, you'll be under my shadow manipulation the entire way there."

"(Your name) don't you think that's a little too far?" I nervously tried to put my input in the conversation but was quickly shot down.

"No. It doesn't matter if there is a ghost. Someone paid for all these flowers to be delivered to the grave safely and that's what we're going to do. If even so much as one flower gets damaged because of us, the sender's message won't get through to the grave."

"Huh? What are talking about Onee~San?" Boruto asked, clearly not in the mood to take his time.

"Boruto. Why do you think the sender brought so many flowers for the grave?"


"Probably because whoever it that's buried there was important to the person." Sarada decided it was her turn to join in the conversation.

"But if that's the case, should they deliver the flowers themselves?"

"One person cannot deliver all these flowers by themselves. It's very possible they are at the grave waiting for us. It's also possible they don't want to see if the person they loved and buried has returned as a ghost."

Boruto didn't bother to speak another word. He just stood with slight annoyance in his eyes and dealt with the hand he was given. (Your name) did as she said she would to Boruto and Mitsuki and they walked in steps with her. It took longer then most would expect it to to reach the grave yard which (Your name)'s brother was laid to rest at. As soon as we got there, I looked at (Your name) to see if her facial expressions had changed. They did not. She still just looked as if she relaxing.

"The grave is in front of the largest tree within the grave yard just ahead of us." (Your name) said as she released Boruto and Mitsuki.

"Hmmm. Is that old man Kakashi near it?"

(Your name) looked up and saw that Kakashi was at her brother's grave; flowers in hand. Now her facial expression changed. She looked down and bite her lip. She was struggling.

"Oi! Kakashi!" Boruto shouted as he waved and walked over to Kakashi with some of the flowers that were meant to be delivered.

"Hm. Boruto? What are you doing here?"

"Team 7 had a mission to come deliver flowers to this grave. We were supposed to check out out because people think whoever was buried here is now a ghost. What about you? Did they make you deliver flowers too?"

At this point Sarada and Mitsuki were also beside Kakashi and me and (Your name) weren't far from the grave ourselves. We could hear their entire conversation.

"Is that what she told you?" (Your name)'s fist clenched upon hearing Kakashi's words.

"What do you mean?" Sarada asked.

"There is no ghost here. This is the grave of (Your name)'s oldest brother. The other three graves around this tree, are also deceased siblings of hers."

There were no more words said. Only surprise in the air on the face of the three youngsters.

Boruto looked down and slowly walked up to (Your name). "So that's what this was about." (Your name) didn't bother to look up until Boruto fell to his knees and asked for forgiveness. "I understand now. I was in such a rush to deliver these flowers and hopefully come across something more interesting then what I've been coming across recently; but, I shouldn't have. I should have thought about why we were doing this mission. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

(Your name) suddenly lay Boruto's head. "Boruto. I heard that you were eager to receive a mission filled with action, but those missions are currently not your job. I understand that sometimes these missions can get boring. But I wanted to teach you that they all have meaning. This lesson not only goes for you but Sarada and Mitsuki as well. The reason we delivered these flowers today, was to remember my brother who passed away many many years ago on this day." Tears finally began to roll down (Your name)'s face. "I asked your father for a favor in return for letting me do this today. The favor was to let you guys have a mission that was outside of the Hidden Leaf as long as you guys have learned your lesson. I'd say that you did. You can all go home now and rest for the remainder of the day. Thank you for all your help."

Boruto suddenly stood up and hugged (Your name). Mitsuki and Sarada also joined in.

"Next year, let's deliver even more flowers! Right, guys?" Boruto cheered.


(Your name) couldn't help but smile. "Right!"

Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki paid their respects before waving me, (Your name) and Kakashi goodbye for the night.

When they were out of sight, Kakashi slapped (Your name)'s back. "I've been waiting for you. Let's go out to eat. I can tell you're low on charka and eating something would help. Konohamaru, you should come too."


"It's on me so don't worry. We always go out to eat on this day. It's in memory of (Your name)'s brother."

I looked to (Your name). "It's been a long day. Join us."

I nodded in agreement to join.

"Yoosh. Let's head out."

Me and (Your name) walked behind Kakashi as he lead the way. It was rather silent during our walk. You could tell it wasn't an awkward silence for (Your name) and Kakashi, but it was for me.

"I hope you're okay with ramen. It was my brother's favorite." (Your name) finally spoke after some time.

"Ramen sounds good. By the way, what did Kakashi mean when he said he can tell you're low on charka?" (Your name) froze in place and I didn't know what to do. "Uh... (Your name)?"

"She was out late last night. Whatever she was doing, it wore her out. It doesn't help that on this day she's usually a little down and so she over sleeps and hardly eats. Good grief she's a mess  to deal with considering I'm supposed to be retired."

"Kakashi~Sensei. That hurts a little." (Your name) mumbled as she let her body go limb and started to walk again.

Kakashi laughed. "You know I'm only joking with you. Though I know today's a hard day on you and I know some food would help."

"You're not wrong." (Your name) perked up a bit. "I'll be much better with some ramen in my belly."

I smiled until what Kakashi said suddenly hit me. She was out late... helping me!

~To be continued~

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