Chapter Eight

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(Reader~Chan's Point of View)

"I'm lost." I admitted to myself as I searched around for Konohamaru's house.

I actually didn't know the Hidden Leaf very well despite living their my whole life. My parents constantly locked me up and when Kakashi did save me, I was so busy studying and learning jutsu' that I didn't have time to explore like a regular kid would have. I only every explored outside the Hidden Leaf in other villages when Kakashi took me on missions I shouldn't have even been allowed to go on period.

I sighed, feeling defeated. I tried asking for directions but everyone was so busy with their jobs and chores that no one took their own time to help me even with my pleas for help.

"(Your name) Onee~San?"

"Boruto?" I looked up and saw Boruto, much to my surprise.

He ran up to me with a wide grin on his face. "What's bothering you Onee~San? You look down."

I nervously laughed. "I was supposed to be at Konohamaru's house to give him a hearing session but I realized I never asked for his address. I got it from your dad but I don't know my way around the Hidden Leaf that well. And for some reason, no one will help me."

"Hmm." Boruto looked around. "Now that you mention no one has said hi to me today like they usually do. I guess everyone is just busy. Well, I can take you there!"

"Oh? Would you really? That'd be great!" I got excited upon finally feeling like a huge wave of relief washed over me.

"Say (Your name) Onee~San, do you not know your way around the village yet because you weren't born here?" Boruto surprisingly talked to me on the way to Konohamaru's.

"I guess you could say that. I should get a tour soon considering I want to be a shinobi to protect the Hidden Leaf, shouldn't I?" I smiled.

Boruto looked back at me, as I was following him, and placed his hands down that was behind his head. "Geez. Konohamaru Onii~Chan needs to learn some manners. He hasn't even offered you a tour around the Hidden Leaf."

That sounded a lot like something Naruto said. "Unfortunately I think Konohamaru will be out of commission for at least a few days until his wound doesn't bother him anymore."

"How did he get hurt? That's not like him to be so careless."

"It was an honest accident and the only reason he got hurt is because we had two young boys with us. I'm sure he could have moved quicker if it wasn't for that." 

"Hmm. I see."

"Say Onee~San, are you as strong as Konohamaru?"

"Well I don't want to compare our skills to each other, especially since I haven't truly seen Konohamaru in battle."

"Huh? Well if it makes you wonder, he beat my dad during the Chunin exams."

I giggled. "So I've heard."

"Well, we're here." I looked up to see a large house. I felt intimated upon seeing it. "This is where his grandfather, the Third Hokage, use to live."

"I see. That makes sense."

"Konohamaru!" Boruto yelled out loud.

"Boruto. What are doing..." Konohamaru paused as he saw me from the window he looked out of. "(Your name)?"

I waved hi to him. "I forgot to ask for your address when I came across Boruto and he helped me get here." I explained quickly before he came down to the front door to greet me.

"Ah sorry about that. I should have thought about that before we went our separate ways earlier." Konohamaru seemed a bit embarrassed.

I looked down to notice that Konohamaru had blood seeping out onto his yellow shirt.

"You're bleeding." I commented as I lifted my hand to touch where the wound was gently. "We should get you cleaned up and rewrapped. I actually brought along something that I think will help with the bleeding."

(Konohamaru's Point of View)

I was shocked when (Your name) placed a hand on my wound. I could tell she was concern with my well being and nothing else. I wondered why though. Why was she so focused on healing me herself? I could have had Sakura do it but (Your name) insisted on her doing it instead. Did she feel as though I had gotten hurt because of her?

"Thank you for your help today Boruto." (Your name) quickly thanked Boruto as she let her go off of me. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything important."

Boruto frozen and you could see the chills go down his spine. "Oh crap! I was supposed to be at the store for mom."

Boruto started to run off before (Your name) could say anything else; as it was clear that she wanted to.

(Your name) sighed. "Shadow clone jutsu." She relentlessly made a clone of herself. "You know what to do."

"You got it!" Her clone said as it ran off.

"While I'm helping you my clone can beat Boruto home and tell Hinata that he was helping me get somewhere. Boruto can explain the rest to her himself once he gets there."

So that's what she was doing.

"I wasn't aware you knew Hinata." I started a conversation as I let (Your name) enter my house before me.

"I don't personally know her but I know about her. I know about everybody. At least, to a certain degree anyway."

"I see. Anyway, how would you like to approach this?" I asked, referring to our healing session.

"I see that the living room floor is tatami mats. It would be best to lay your back on them and put a pillow under your head. If that's alright."

"Sounds fine with me." I started to do as told but realized I had to take my shirt off for this. "Umm.."

"Don't worry too much. It's just a healing session. You can rest and be comfortable around me. You can also trust my skills." (Your name)'s words made me feel better and so I started to slowly take my shirt off. I say slowly, because it really hurt to do so. "Allow me to  help you." (Your name) helped me take off my shirt and folded it before setting it to the side and helping me lay back. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yes." I felt red to the face with everything going on. Though it was weird. It wouldn't be like this around anyone else and I knew that for a fact.

"I'm going to start by cleaning the wound." (Your name) walked me through her process." I will then apply an ointment and apply several small special bandages that helps skin hold together and heal faster. These bandages are very sticky so you don't have to worry about replacing them. They are also waterproof." It didn't take long for (Your name) to complete the beginning portion of our healing session and upon going through it, I realized that (Your name) made me feel extremely calm. "I'll begin using medical jutsu now. By giving you charka, your skin will heal quicker then usual. It will also help ease any pain you have. You may have to go through this twice everyday depending on your pain level but other then that you won't have to go through this often before it's done healing."

I didn't bother to say anything as (Your name) spoke. After a minute she started to hum a very sweet and soft melody. As a little more time past, I found myself falling asleep slowly. It felt warm and loving. It felt as though (Your name) really cared and that feeling made me feel at ease. So at ease that my eyelids quickly closed and I quickly fell into a deep sleep.    

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