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Kameron- Mustard is better!

Kaiden- No! Ketchup is better!

Kameron- No! Mustard

Kaiden- No! Ketchup!

- Classic comes downstairs -

Classic- Whats with all the screaming? its only 2 in the morning

Kaiden- Papa! tell Kameron Ketchup is better!

Kameron- No! Mustard!

Classic- you guys are fighting over condiments?

K & K- yeah...

Classic- well I I think ketchup is better but Red thinks mustard is better

- Kameron and Kaiden looks at one another -

Kameron- so that means you both like different condiments and still love each other

Classic- TvT yes Kameron, but you guys should know not to fight over this

K & K- Sorry papa

Classic- Its alright

- Moment of silence -


Classic- RED NO!

K & K- *giggling*

Classic & Red- *Arguing about condiments*

-w- hope you enjoyed, I think I might make this book about short stories and idk how long it will be but hope you enjoyed

{162 words written}

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