The Barrier

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The family walked to the kings room with there friends they were called to the barrier. Once they reached the kings throne room they were greeted by the king

Asgore- Oh hello everyone thank you all for coming

Undyne- No problem your majesty but why did you call all of us here?

Asgore- Don't worry I have a good reason, I have decided that it was time to break the barrier

Mettaton- But asgore Darling, don't you need 8 human souls?

Asgore- well not really we only need 7, but we only needed 1 to open the barrier

Toriel- so why did you take those poor children's lives

Asgore- don't worry I have a good explanation, me and alphys have discovered that with 6 human could we can bring back some people that are gone

Undyne- but asgore that's impossible besides who would you bring back? I don't think any of us have lost anybody

Asgore- well that's not entirely true, I know some people here have lost some family members so I found a way to bring them back but first follow me

They all followed asgore and asgore lead them to a flower garden where toriel knew well, its where asriel and chara died. Asgore then poked the ground and flowey came up from the ground

Asgore- why hello flowey, are you ready?

Flowey- Sure I guess

Asgore then took out one of the souls and gave it to flowey, suddenly there was a blinding light and when everyone looked at where flowey was supposed to be they saw a goat child, toriel cried when he saw him and instantly ran to him and gave him a hug, Asgore did the same with the flowers chara died on and they had a family reunion. Then asgore gave one of the souls to sans

Asgore- here sans you know what to do with this

Classic smiled and waved everyone goodbye as soon as he turned the corner he teleported to waterfall and saw the gray door, classic went in the gray door and smiled.

Meanwhile the others waited for classic to come back and everyone was confused then they saw classic come back but chatting with someone

Classic- And that's how I met red

???- wow it seems I've missed a lot through these years

Papyrus- um sans who is this?

Classic- well papyrus its better for him to give the introduction

???- Hello everyone my name is W.D. Gaster and some of you may not remember but I am sans and papyrus's father

Everyone just stared at him and papyrus walked up to gaster and gave him a hug, After the whole reunion they all walked to the barrier and they all gathered around it as the day has finally come...

The Barrier has been broken

Everyone stood at the edge of the mountain as they stared at the sunset they all stood in awe at the sun, and the kids were miraculous about it, Classic and red looked at each other and they knew they were going to enjoy life on the surface

(Hope you enjoyed book 2 even though it took a very long time to come out TwT, only because of all the work I have, but none the less hope you all enjoyed Book 2!)

{554 words written}

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