Wedding Ring

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(Idk if their married or not so if they are this is what happened TwT)

Red- Alright kids I need you to lead papa to the spot alright?

K and K- Okay!

Red- Alright I will be waiting

Red then left the building, the 2 kids ran up the stairs to red and classic's room and opened the door to see classic still sleeping

Kameron- PAPA!


Classic- ugh T^T I wanted to sleep more, good morning kids

K and K- morning papa!

Kameron- papa, can you come with us please

Classic- Uh sure kids

Kaiden- you have to wear this blindfold first

Classic- um, your not trying to pull a prank on me are you?

Kameron- nope! besides I would draw on your face for a prank UwU

Classic- good to know, alright i'll trust ya buddy

Kaiden- don't put it on yet though wait till we get to the door

Classic- Alright then kiddo

The 3 made there way down the stairs and when they reached the door classic put on the blindfold and his children took his hands and led him to the special place.

Kameron- Were here Papa!

Classic- alright kiddo's can I take off the blindfold now?

Kaiden- yes!

Both of the kids ran behind some of the tree's giggling meanwhile Classic slowly took off the blindfold to see a lovely garden and Red smiling at classic with flowers and chocolates in his hands

Red- H-heyya Classic

Classic- oh hey red, this scenary is lovely

Red- Yeah, h-here I got these for you

Classic- Aw, thanks red

Red- heh yeah no problem um look classic

Classic- hm?

Red- well its been a joy spending my days with you, and I love you with all of my heart and I want you to be with me till the end so classic -Gets on 1 knee- Will you marry me?

Red pulled out the ring and classic covered his mouth in shock, then tears streamed down classics face as classic dropped the flowers and chocolates and jumped on red

Classic- YES YES YES!

Red chuckled and a tear rolled down his face red grabbed classics chin and kissed him passionately they broke away from the kiss and smiled at each other once again, then they went in for another kiss then the kids jumped on both of them, they all laughed and now the 2 are happily married.

{407 words written}

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