Their birthday

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Classic- "Kids! come downstairs my and red have something for you!"

K and K- "Okay!"

The 2 kids went downstairs and noticed it was completely dark then suddenly the light flashed on and they saw confetti all over and a very loud "Happy birthday!", the 2 was in utter shock

Red- "Happy birthday kiddo's"

Red then placed to birthday hats on the boys and the 2 boys just smiled and hugged both classic and red, Then the party continued even though it was only papyrus, red, classic and the 2 boys they had so much fun! They had cake, they played many games, they had competitions and much more. At the end of the day all 5 of them were worn out the 2 kids mostly they had both fallen asleep, classic teleported papyrus to bed and red and classic brought kaiden and Kameron upstairs to their room. They laid the 2 down and kissed their forehead as the 2 wished them goodnight and a final happy birthday

{171 words written}

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