Tea party

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Red- kids is this necessary?

Kameron- yes, very necessary

Classic- but did the dresses have to be pink T^T

Kaiden- Yes! this tea party is fabulous!

Red- if ya say so

Kamron- Ahem, Princess Gold and Princess Blue were are so happy you could make it today

Red- yes it was our pleasure to accompany you here today

Kaiden- Today we invited you 2 for a simple party so we could celebrate a small accomplishment of ours

Kameron- Today we will be celebrating us getting a puppy ^w^ his name is sprinkles

Classic- oh congratulations!

Kaiden- why thank you princess blue, now lets start with our first dish!

Kameron- yes, our first dish is biscuits and tea

Through out the day the Red and classic played tea party with their kids and they had loads of fun even though red still hated the dress, they all had fun that day

{153 words written}

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