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The 2 were playing outside and Classic and red were watching the 2 play, they seemed to be having so much fun until Kaiden bumped into another monster and landed on the ground.

Kameron- Kaiden are you okay!?

Kaiden- Y-yeah im fine

Kameron helps kaiden up then turns to the other

Kaiden- S-sorry for bu-

Suddenly the monster pushed kaiden to the ground and Kameron growled at him and of course red was about to kill this kid. Then the mother walked up to the 2 kids... It was the bunny that had ruined there life she just stood next to her kid with her arms crossed and red he just sat there...

Haha im joking he was being held back by classic not to kill them but classic lost his grip and red launched toward them but steadily walked as if he was very calm and was just walking over

Red- So... it seems we meet again

Bunny girl- Yeah sadly you took away my boyfriend!

(Forgot her name if I ever gave her one)

Red- please, we both know he would never want you

Bunny girl- UGH you!-

Red- Shut up, anyways kids you okay?

K & K- yes!

Red- Good I saw what happened, this your kid trash rabbit

Bunny girl- HEY! I am not!-

Red- Answer. The question

Bunny girl- Tch, fine yes this is my kid better than yours

Red- 'Don't kill Don't kill Don't kill'

Red was breathing in and out but it was not helping with his urge to kill the girl the group could tell he was trying will all of his spirit not to kill her so Kameron and kaiden hugged red.

Kaiden- don't worry Dad, were fine she is just a trash rabbit anyway

Kameron- Yeah! besides we can play another day, and please don't kill her TvT

Red- Alright fine, but trash rabbit if your kid does this again-

Classic- Red calm down TvT

K&K- hi Papa!

Bunny Girl- Wait those are your kids!? Why him!?

Classic- Because he is not a plastic


Chase- S-sorry for pushing you bye!

Kaiden- I forgive you! bye!

The 2 brothers hugged and classic and red hugged the 2 boys then they went back inside and decided to play another day

{388 words written}

Kustard Book 2Where stories live. Discover now