🐰 Part 1 🐰

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It's Monday and Jungkook is on his work. He loves his work but his boss is so cold towards him and he really hate him because of that.

JK: How I will finish all of this?? He gave me so much works. If I don't finish this on the time I will must to leave this job. I hate him.

- Somebody knocked on the door. That was Lisa.

JK: What you need Lisa?

LS: Boss is calling you in his office.

JK: Why?

LS: I don't know. He just said that he wants to see you in his office for 10 minutes.

JK: Okay, I will come.

LS: And better.

- With that she left from there.

JK: What he need now??? He probably will scold me again because of something what I not did or what I did. I will killy myself I swear.



- Jungkook knocked on the door and when he heard "Come in" he came inside of office.

JK: You called me boss??

TH: Yes.

JK: What you need?

TH: Are you done with your work??

JK: No.

TH: Why not?

JK: Because I got a lot of works.

TH: That is not a reason.

JK: But...

TH: No but. Today you will stay after work and finish your works or I will fire you from here.

JK: Yes boss.

TH: You can go now.

JK: Alright.

- With that Jungkook left from there.


TH: Aish these workers. They are don't doing anything right. I will fire all of them.

- Somebody knocked on the door.

TH: Come in.

JM: Tae, can you...

TH: What now??

JM: Hey, don't talk like that with me. I'm your hyung.

TH: I'm your boss.

JM: I don't care.

TH: What you need "hyung"?

JM: You need to sign these papers.

TH: Give me that papers here.

- Tae signed all the papers and gave them to Jimin.

TH: Something else?

JM: No.

TH: Then you can leave.

JM: Yeah, yeah. Bye Tae.

TH: Hmmm.



Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi are working in the shop from 6 AM to 2 PM.

YG: One more day of this work. I'm so tired and I must be here yet 4 hours.

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