🐰 Part 3 🐰

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JK: B-boss.

TH: Why are you standing there like that and looking at my picture.

JK: I w-was just...

TH: Just shut up. I don't care.

- Taehyung let go of Kook and then sat on his chair.

JK: Why are you called me?

TH: Are you finished your work?

JK: Yes.

TH: Then do my work too.

JK: O-ok.

- Jungkook took files from table and left from there.

TH: Why I'm feeling bad about yelling on him? Why my heart beats so fast near him? What is happening with me?

- Taehyung didn't know what is happening to him. These days he is so deep in his thoughts that other started be worried about him.



Today is the last day of working these week so everyone don't have so much works.

- Right now Jungkook is going in Taehyung's office to give him some files which Lisa left to Jungkook to give to Taehyung.

- Jungkook knocked on the door.

JK: Can I come in?

TH: Come.

JK: Here are some files which Lisa left to me to gave to you.

TH: Put them on the table.

- Jungkook putted files on the table then said.

JK: That is it, I'm going now. Have a good day.

- Taehyung just hummed.

- Everyday between Jungkook and Taehyung was like this. They are was talking just formal and they are meeting just like boss and worker.



It's Friday so Taehyung and his friends decided to go in the club same like Jungkook and his friends.

TH: Why are we musted to come here?

JM: Tae shut up and let's go to have some fun.

JN: Tae you should be funnier not boring.

TH: I don't care. Just do what you want.

- Jin and Jimin thought to go but somebody called Taehyung's name so they stayed.

Xx: Tae!!

TH: Hoseok hyung, what are you doing here?

HS: Ohh I'm here with my friends. You?

TH: I'm here with my friends too.

JN: Hi I'm Jin.

JM: Hello I'm Jimin.

HS: Nice to meet you. Let's go to my friends.

- They all nodded and then left to Hoseok's other friends.

HS: Hey guys look who I found here.

Xx: Hello I'm worldwide handsome Jin.

Xx: I'm Jimin

JM: This idiot here is Taehyung.

- When Jungkook heard name Taehyung he immediately looked up at him.

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