🐯 Part 8 🐯

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- They all runned to Jungkook and hugged him so tigthly.

JK: Aish I can't breath.

TH: Hey let him go.

- They pulled off and looked at him.

JN: Then???

JK: I'm staying here. Namjoon hyung is it okay that I will work in your coffee shop?

NJ: Of course Kook.

JN: Wait, you will not work in the company anymore?

JK: No hyung.

- Jin angrily turned to Tae.

JN: Tae what you did again?? Are you stupid??

JK: Jin hyung it's not him, it's me.

JN: What?? Why??

JK: I wanted to leave that work but you stopped me and now I'm really leaving that job.

JN: But Kook....

JK: You always can come here and see me. I will not run from here hihih.

JN: Okey if is that what you are saying.

- Jungkook hugged Jin and then looked at Tae.

YG: Okey let's have a small party.

JM: Yessss finally.

JH: I'm in.

- Minho, Jisung, Seonghwa, Hongjoong and other nodded.

They all was talking with each other, laughing, couples was kissing each other sometimes while Kook and Tae watched them in that time.

Tae wanted to kiss Kook so bad but he promised to wait for him. On the other side Kook wanted same as Tae but that promise ughh.

After party they all left to their home because tomorrow is Monday and they must to go on the work.



Jungkook is working in the coffee shop with Namjoon and Yoongi. Hoseok has a day off.

YG: Aaaa I want to go home.

NJ: No you don't. You just wants to go to see Jimin.

YG: Aren't you want to see Jin too?

NJ: Of course I want.

YG: Then shut up.

JK: Hahahah I can't with you two.

- They all started laughing and in that time someone came in the shop.

JM: Awww my love is smiling.

YG: Jiminshi. (Yoongi runned to him and hugged him so tightly).

JM: Hey, I missed you.

YG: I missed you more.

JN: Hi Jonnie.

RM: Hi Jinnie. (Gave a peck on lips and hugged him)

- Jungkook looked at them and then on the door with hope that Taehyung came too.

JN: Kook how are you?

JK: I'm fine hyung.

JN: Are you sure??

JK: Yes, I'm going in the kitchen. I will leave you couples alone.

- With that Jungkook left.

RM: I think it's because of Tae.

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