🐰 Part 7 🐰

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TH: About my father.

JN: What about him?

TH: He did all of this.

JM: Aish Tae please tell us all story.

TH: Okey okey. I will.

- All was listening.


- That night when Taehyung and Jungkook had to go on their date Taehyung's father did something.

THd: Taehyung, come here.

TH: What is it??

THd: Are you going to him??

TH: About who you are talking??

- Taehyung was little annoyed because he hated his father. His father is killed his mother.

THd: Jeon Jungkook.

TH: What about him??

THd: You are going to him right??

TH: What you want??

THd: You know that me and his dad are enemies.

TH: I don't care about you and your stupid jobs.

THd: Watch your mouth?? I'm your father.

TH: My father who killed my mom. You are nothing to me.

THd: If you will go to that boy right now be sure that I will kill him.

TH: Don't you dare.

THd: Try me.

TH: You are psychopath.

THd: Go in your room.

TH: I swear to God that I will kill you if you lay your fingers on my Jungkook. Did you get it??

THd: We will see about that.

TH: I hate you so much. I hate you.

- Taehyung runned in his room while crying.

End of flashback.

Tae was crying mess, other was too. They can't believe that Taehyung's father was like that. They always thought that Tae has a perfect life.

JN: T-Tae why are you didn't tell this to us earlier?

TH: I was afraid to lose Jungkook but I lose him anyway.

JM: No Tae, you didn't lose him. You never will lose him. Go to him and explain everything to him. He will understand.

TH: He don't want me in his life anymore Jimina...I'm idiot who hurted him. He will never forgive me this.

JN: Tae listen to me. Tomorrow is Sunday, go to his house and talk with him.

TH: What if he...

JN: He will talk with you. He loves you.

TH: I love him too. I fucking love him. You are right, I will talk with him tomorrow.



Jungkook is crying mess. He started to packing his things when he got a message.

Message from Minho:

Jungkook please don't leave. You don't know the truth. Please let Tae to explain this to you. All of this is not his fault. He told us what happened that night when you two had to go on the date and it's not his fault. If you decide to listen him, don't say that I send message to you. He will come tomorrow. Please wait for him, he is broken just like you.

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