🐯 Part 2 🐯

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JK: I'm so sorry boss. I got scared. I didn't knew that you are still here.

TH: Aish, you are talking so much.

- Tae left in his office and Jungkook left after him. When they came in the office and turned on the light Jungkook saw that Taehyung's lip is bleeding.

JK: Omg Taehyung your lips are bleeding??

TH: Taehyung??

JK: Ohh sorry boss, I'm so sorry.

- Tae came closer to Jungkook and looked at him now more angry.

TH: Why are you like this??

JK: Like what?? I don't understand.

TH: Uhh, just forget and get out of here.

JK: O-ok. I'm sorry.

- Jungkook turned around and thought to go but Taehyung stopped him.

TH: Do you have a car??

JK: No I don't. Why? (Turned to face Taehyung)

TH: Aish, I will drop you home then.

JK: No, no. It's okay, I will walk myself to home.

TH: Jungkook I said something.

JK: B-but...

TH: No but, now let's go.

- Tae started walking but then slipped on something on the floor and then fall down on top of Jungkook.

- Their face was so close to each other. Jungkook has closed eyes while Taehyung watched at him but then he realized how close they are.

- Tae immediately stood up and coagh a little.

TH: Jungkook stand up.

- Jungkook opened his eyes and slowly stood up.

TH: Let's go now.

JK: O-ok.

- Jungkook was blushing because of this moment.



- It was silent almost all the time. They was nervous because of that moment in the company.

TH: Tell me your adress.

JK: I like you.

TH: What??

JK: I mean (name of adress)

- Jungkook feels so embarrased right now, his face was like tomato.

TH: What you said a moment earlier.

JK: W-when??

TH: A few minutes earlier.

JK: N-nothing.

TH: Why are you sluttering then?


TH: Answer me! I don't like when somebody don't answer to me.

JK: I said that I like you.

- They came in front of the Jungkook's house and when Jungkook thought to go out from car Taehyung stopped him.

TH: Jungkook.

JK: Yes?

TH: Between us will never be anything.


TH: So don't have a crush on me.

JK: Good night.

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