🐯 Part 6 🐯

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Seonghwa and Hongjoong are in the park sitting on the bench.

SH: Why we came here??

HJ: I must to say something to you.

SH: What??

-Hongjoong grab Seonghwa's hand and looked deep in his eyes.

HJ: I like you.

SH: You do??

HJ: Yes but I was scared to conf-....

- Seonghwa cutted him with kiss.

SH: I like you too.

HJ: Will you be my boyfriend?

SH: Of course.

- Hongjoong pulled Seonghwa in long kiss with full of love. They really love each other but Taekook 🥺 between them....



Everything was same between everyone. Lisa started to date Jennie and they left in other country.

Rose started to date Jisoo and they left in other town because of their other job just like Lisa and Jennie.

Couples are happy with each other but Taekook are still not Taekook. They still talk just like boss and worker with each other.

They are all in that night club where they met each other. Taehyung and Jungkook are with them too but they are not talking.

JM: I'm so happy for all couples here.

JN: Me too, I can't believe that I have a boyfriend.

JS: Yeah me too. After that coffee hahah.

MH: Jisungie I said that is not problem.

SH: Aiii so cute.

HJ: No you are cute.

HS: I should to find boyfriend or girlfriend.

NJ: Hahaha you will hyung.

HS: I hope.

JN: Taehyung why are you don't talking with us?

TH: I don't want.

NJ: Jungkook are you okay?

JK: I'm fine hyung, don't worry about me.

YG: We should worry about you.

SH: Why? What is happened??

YG: He didn't eat properly so he fainted a few times. He was in the hospital and doctor said that he must to eat but he refuse.

JN: Jungkook, why are you doing this?

JK: I don't want to live anymore, okay. I hate my life so much. I just wants to die.

NJ: Jungkook don't say that. We all love you.

JK: I know that you love me but love which I want I will never have.

- Taehyung listened him all the time. Tears started to forming in his eyes. He know that this is all his fault.

TH: Jungkook come with me.

JK: No, I will not come anywhere with you.

TH: Please, just come.

JK: I said no.

- Taehyung didn't want to fight with him. He grabbed Jungkook in his arms and left outside.

JN: I hope that everything will be okay.

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