🐰 Part 9 🐰

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Tae and Kook get scared with suddenly screaming. They turned and looked at their hyungs who was standing there happily.

TH: Aish, why are you always came when you shouldn't?

JM: Sorry TaeTae, but you two are just so cute.

TH: Then you should not have to interrupt us.

JM: Hahahaha that is my job.

RM: Stop with that, Kook is blushing mess.

- They all looked at Kook who is now more blush then earlier.

TH: Kook?? Are u okey?

JK: I'm fine Tae.

YG: No, he is not. Give him a glass of water.

JN: Aiii my pure little baby bunny.

- Jungkook finally calm down a little. Yoonmin and Namjin chuckled to him because of his blushing mess while Tae thought that is cute.



Jungkook is getting ready for his and Tae's date. He is so happy because he waited so long for this.

JK: Hmmm I hope that this will be okey outfit.

- Jungkook left to take a quick shower. After showering he changed in his date outfit.

- Jungkook is waiting for Tae in the living room. Suddenly the door bell rang. He quicky got up and opened the door.

JK: Hey Tae. (Smile)

TH: Hi Kook. Are you ready?

JK: Yess.

TH: Then let's go.

- Jungkook nodded, he grabbed his stuff and then left the house and locked her.

JK: Where are we going?

TH: Surprise.

(Tae interwhined their fingers and left in the car)



Tae and Kook came in the one so beautiful restaurant. Kook was Jungshoked.

JK: Woah Tae this is so beautiful.

TH: I'm glad that you love this.

JK: Of course I will love this.

- They slowly came inside of the restaurant when Jungkook saw that there are just him and Tae.

JK: Tae where are other guests?

TH: Tonight here are just us two and two workers. Nobody else.

JK: Ohh okey. (Blush)

TH: Come here.

- Jungkook and Tae sat down for the table and soon waiter came and took their orders.

JK: Tae this restaurant looks expensive.

TH: Don't worry about that and enjoy, okey?

JK: Okey. (Smile)

- After 15 minutes their food arrived and they started to eat.

JK: Mmmm this is so delicious.

TH: You like it??

JK: I love it. Thank you for coming here, I never ate this delicious food earlier.

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