Meeting Brahms

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We were in the car traveling all the way to babysit for a month, well my sister was I got dragged along. God I feel like such a burden ever since the accident. It's not like I can't walk or function, I just can't see out of one eye and don't talk as much. I love my sisters but they need to understand I am ok.  


I looked up from my sketchbook and saw we made it so I gave my sister a nudge or two. By nudge I shoved her.

"Jesus Jake I know I am a heavy sleeper but still no need to get violent." I laughed a bit. I quickly got out of the car, grabbed my back pack and entered the house. Letting  my sister talk to the driver for a second. As I entered I knew I would have some peace and quiet to read and draw. The house felt chilly though but that would be alright. I love my hoodies.  

"Ah you must be Mr. Evans, Ms. Evans brother correct?" I heard a name behind me as I looked around. It was a older lady, must be Mrs. Heelshire.

"Y-yes." My voice cracked and was soft. God I sound like a child. Her face softened then went back to normal. 

"Please wait over there while I get your sister." She pointed to a couch and I nodded then started to draw again. I heard footsteps after awhile, so thinking it was my sister and Mrs. Heelshire. I looked up and saw no one. Odd. 


Soon my  sister came up with Mrs. H and we entered the room Mr. Heelshire and Brahms was in. I heard him whisper a few things before they turned the chair to show a porcelain doll, my heart broke a bit.  My voice was quiet but still able to be heard.

"Hi Brahms." I smiled a bit, my sister thought it was a joke for a bit until she saw the grocery guy come in and shake his hand before he left.  It was kinda creepy but if that made them happy then thats fine. 

"Now time to show you around and Brahms rules." She picked him up and we headed to his room. She changed him into pjs and placed him in bed.  I looked around his room while she set it up for Greta, it was nice and monotone colours. Toys were scattered around in a neat manner and it seemed like a lovely room for a living kid.  I heard Greta and Mrs. H talk a bit but I made small notes and just buzzed their conversation out.

Soon we made it to his study, the library, the kitchen, the parlor, the bathrooms and the drawing room. Gosh this house is huge.
At supper I sat next to Brahms and ate while my sister kept giving me freaked out stares I shrugged and kept eating.

While Greta helped in the kitchen me and Brahms went to the parlor where I played some music and sat next to him and did sketches. I felt something cool on my arm. I turned to see Brahms laying on my arm. Aww how sweet he fell asleep- what am I saying..... Mrs.H came into the room and saw us.
"Hi M-Mrs...I thought me and Brahms good spend some t-time together, l-looks like he got tired.." My voice broke a few times but it was loud enough to be heard.
"Aw thank you dear, looks like Brahms likes your sister and you very much..To be honest we thought he might of been upset with the idea of you joining your sister here but I guess not.." she started to mumble the rest.
" Can you bring him up to his room and bath and change him please I need to speak with Daddy(i guess they say mom and dad in front of him idk its just what i saw in the movie) and your sister." I nodded and picked him up and went to his room.
After his bath and me changing him I placed and tucked him into bed, He looked so peaceful and childlike for a doll. I didn't notice the couple enter until I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Thank you dear, you can wait with your sister." I went outside the room and stood with Greta. Letting the family do their prayer and have a moment.
"So do you still want the job G?" I whispered.
"I really don't know, but we need it." I nodded and Mr.H shut the door saying they needed a private chat.
"Brahms would like you Ms.Evans to take care of him and teach him, but he wants to be with Mr.Evans during freetime, reading, and music." I nodded as they handed me the rules. I said goodnight and went to my room.

As I was changing I heard something but I ignored it.. But what I couldn't ignore was the feeling of being watched while I was sleeping.

(bamn im done i did most of this on my crappy phone so sorry for typos and etc)

His Doll---Brahms x male ocWhere stories live. Discover now