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I saw the way y/n was talking with Taehyung. They both seemed like they were close, like they had been friends for quite some time now. I felt this sting in my chest, but instead of feeling sorry I shut any emotions out.

When the food finally came, everyone had gotten quiet, but y/n and Taehyung were still talking. They finally shut up too when they realised the rest of us were looking at them.

Everyone started to eat and enjoy their food except y/n. Truthfully I don't know why I decided she wasn't gonna eat anything and starve. That little stunt she pulled outside really tipped my mood to angry.

She sat closer to Taehyung than she did to me. I kept staring at her but she never looked back. It was like she didn't even acknowledge my presence. Everything about her body language screamed she didn't want to be near me. Her legs were slightly tilted towards Taehyung's legs. She always looked in his direction and speaking of looking. She certainly never looked at me the way she looked at him.

I felt sick all of a sudden. Lost my appetite. What was wrong with me? I felt tears in my eyes, and my blood started to boil. I'm pretty sure my cheeks were red with anger the way everyone at the table were looking at me.

I decided to look away, to get my mind off of her. My eyes searched the rest of the room, until my ears caught the sound of a hushed gasp.

I turned in the direction I heard it from. It was a couple sitting together on a small table together. The man had his hands between her legs, and he gently moved them. With every movement, the woman clasped onto her clothes to stop herself from making any sounds. I felt their influence on myself, as I turned back around to the table.

I suddenly found it harder than before not to look at y/n. I looked straight ahead and slowly moved my hand near her legs, but stopped when I heard Mei call out her name.

y/n POV :

I was sitting peacefully trying to ignore my hunger when Mei suddenly directed her conversation at me,"So y/n. How are you? You barely spoke today."

I just smiled at her and looked away,"Oh? I hadn't noticed. I'm doing fine, thanks for asking."

Kira butted in with her annoying voice,"Really? Are you?"

I nodded slightly,"Yeah ... why wouldn't I be?"

I just had to ask didn't I?

Mei took over once again,"Oh you know I just thought that you'd be depressed and all ... you know? With what people say about you."

𝐵𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑙𝑦 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 // 𝑗𝑗𝑘, 𝑦/𝑛, 𝑘𝑡ℎWhere stories live. Discover now