Chapter 10

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I put Elise as the cover, so that's what she looks like.

*1 year later*
Elise's POV

Hunter and I are the perfect couple, and we've been together for a whole year. Dad like Hunter which is good, and Hayes still doesn't have a girlfriend which its fun to see him suffer.

Oh yea I almost forgot tomorrow is me and hunters one year anniversary and I'm excited.

I woke up to my phone blaring "wrecking ball". so I got up and looked in the mirror. My hair has grown longer in the past year and I look older then fourteen.
I drag myself into the bathroom and turn on the shower.
I undressed myself and stepped in to meet warm soothing water.
I was listening to Miley Cyrus adore you when I heard a knock on my bathroom door.
"Hey El I was wondering if you umm seen my phone?"
"No I haven't dad but I'll look when I'm out."
"Ok love you sweetie."
"Love you too dad"
i finished my shower in peace.
I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me.
I grabbed my clothes that wore on top of my bed and changed into......
•a baby blue crop top that said "step away from the food"
•light washed high waisted shorts
•gray vans
•and I baby blue SnapBack that said "BO$$"

I not a girly girl like people think, yes I wear dresses sometimes but it doesn't mean your a girly girl. I'm more rebellious and like to cause a lot of trouble once I almost got suspended. And yes I've been clean for about 8 months now cause one day Taylor walked in and saw me cutting so he helped me stop.

I put mascara and lipgloss on and that was it. I grabbed my phone and headed down stairs almost tripping at the last step.

I walked in to the kitchen and saw dad making breakfast for us. Something is wrong cause dad never makes breakfast and when he does there is bad news.
I cleared my throat and he turned around. "Oh hey El breakfast will be ready soon."
"Can I eat out for breakfast?"
"No why?"
"Cause I'm not eating food you cooked."
"Check your attitude missy or we are gonna have problems."
I huffed and walked into the living room seeing everyone watching a show about racing. Nothing I care about.

Hayes saw me so he moved over and patted the seat next to him. I walked over their trying not to step on JJ but it failed.
"Oops I'm sorry next time don't sit on the floor where people could step on you."
"Elise!" Nash yelled.
"Don't talk to him like that!"
"You can't tell me what to do!"
"I can missy and I'm gonna do it again, go to your room till breakfast."
I said walking away this time I purposely stepped on JJ.
I ran up the stairs and into the bedroom making sure I slam the door shut.
I walked over to the window and thrashed it open.
I climb out onto the roof and shut my window.
I claimed higher and higher till I was at the peak of the house were I could see everything. I come up to the roof a lot to think and no one has found out we're i am.
It has been about an hour and I was getting hungry but I didn't want to face the people in my house.
I climb down and jumped to the ground. I broke off into a run and about five minutes later I made it to the diner.
I walked in and smelled the aroma of bacon and pancakes.
I walked up to the hostess and smiled.
"Table for one El."

I come here a lot so they know my name and Emily is like my second family.
She walked me to a small booth in front of the window and placed my menu down.
"Thanks Emily."
"Josh will be right with you."

She walked away to greet the other guests. Josh walked up and smiled at me. Of course I smiled back cause Josh is my friend. "Good morning El, would you like the usual?" "That would be great!" "Ill be right back with your food."
I looked around the small little diner and saw a face I recognized. I saw Hunter and it looked like he was with Kathy Stevens the schools "popular" girl. She hooks up with everyone, this month she hooked up with 5 guys.
He was turning his head to look this way so I quickly turned my head around and looked out the window.
My food came and I stuffed it down my throat and took a gulp of water. I want to get out of here now cause I can't stand to see them be all lovey dovey.
Josh knew what was wrong side I told him so he said he would pay food my food. I ran out the door and once I was around the corner I broke down and cried. I then realized that I could have someone better than him so I calmed down and sat down on a bench near by.
"I need to do something, break something, hurt something, vandalize something." I whispered to myself. I walked to the near by Lowes and went straight to the spray paint aisle. I grabbed a bunch of cans plus a duffle bag. I went to my school the was across the street. I threw down my bag and took out a can of spray paint. "Mrs. Halsey sucks!" I thought to myself, that's what I am gonna stay.

*one hour later*

It took an hour but my master price was done.

Cams POV


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