VS Model

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“(Y/N)! Can you get the mail?” You heard your boyfriend, Michael, shout from the bedroom. Today was a lazy day for the two of you as the boys were finally on a break from touring. You had decided since Michael was home, you could get to some cleaning around the house and with a little of his help, you’d finish rather quickly. You were expecting not much help, but to your surprise he was digging through things like he waited his whole life to clean-not that you were complaining.
You opened the front door and turned to your left, taking the envelopes from the mailbox and swiveling to go back inside when you noticed a package on the ground. You lit up, throwing the papers inside and retrieving your box. “Yes!” You whispered to yourself, sitting on the couch assuming you knew exactly what it was. “What’s that?” Michael asked, coming up next to you as he pushed his hair back and placed his cap on once again. Your head shot to him, growing flushed as you placed it down and stood back up. “Nothing.” You paused, toying with the hem of your shirt before pulling it down and looking at him, “uh, have you… have you cleaned out your clothes in the closet yet?”
“Yes. But, what’s in the package?” He asked, walking towards you as your instincts kicked in and you rushed to protect the parcel. “I said nothing Mike.” You stuttered. He shook his head, not really wanting to take any secrets from you. Quickly faking you out, he grabbed the box and ripped it open to reveal a sheer outfit looking as if it belonged in the bedroom only. Inside, along with the costume, were wings and rather high heels. “What’s this?” Michael asked, pulling out the top and holding it up to examine. Your hands snatched everything away and you placed the box behind you, your head falling in embarrassment. “I… it’s my, um, my work clothes?”
“What?” Michael looked shocked, his eyes bugging as well as confused. “I’m a Victoria’s Secret model?” Everything you said seemed to come out in questions. “You… so this is where you’d go every time you said you had work?” You nodded sheepishly, red racing to your cheeks. “Are you mad?” You whispered. Michael chuckled, shaking his head and smiling. “Not at all. I’m just amazed at how you managed to hide this from me. I mean, you lied, I suppose, about your job but I don’t care because, hey, my girlfriend’s a Victoria’s Secret model!”

You shook backstage, waiting for your turn to walk to dreaded runway of nerves. Every time you had a show, you couldn’t help but freak out each time and this event was especially scary due to the fact that your best friend, the only other model that could calm you down, was on vacation. You had to figure out how to handle this and so far it wasn’t working. You tried breathing, drinking water, resting, but nothing was working and what made it worse was that Calum was there. Well, he made it to every show he possibly could so this wasn’t any different but you just couldn’t help but get nervous knowing he was there. He was a good boyfriend to make it to them all and support you (as well as gets you flowers almost every time) but sometimes you just wished you didn’t know he was there so your anxiousness wasn’t spilling out form every possible angle of you.
Finally, it was your turn as you heard your music blast from the speakers while the host introduces you. With a large breath, you started down the runway, doing just as you’ve been training to do as all around you, you could hear the applause of everyone booming. You had to keep from bursting into a huge smile as you felt you were actually doing this, exhilaration shooting throughout your veins. The rush was something incomparable and it soon ended quicker than you could have thought.
“Oh babe, you looked incredible!” Calum shouted as you came out from the building to meet up with him. “Thank you, it felt so amazing!” You smiled, bigger than ever before as you hugged him. “You looked amazing.” He said, kissing your lips lightly.

“So, tell me about yourself,” Ashton spoke from across the table at the small café. You had just met him and this was considered your first date, according to you. “Like what?” You giggled, taking a sip of your hot beverage and letting the liquid heat your throat. “Like… your favourite colour or animal!” He chuckled, shaking him head, “anything you want to share. I mean, I just want to get to know you.” You nodded and took another sip, preparing to share yourself with this boy. He looked at you, ready to listen to it all as if it was the most important thing to ever come across his ears. “I guess my favourite colour is purple… I like giraffes a lot. Um, I love music a lot, and shopping; I love shopping.” Ashton nodded and thought for a second, not answering to any of the previous statements you had just made. You had to admit, you were quite nervous in fear that he didn’t care what you had just said despite the fact that he seemed so interested. “Do you work?” You nodded and your smile faded. Very, very few people knew about your job and by ‘few’, you meant exactly that. You hated to tell about your work as the dread of others not approving made you stop. “What do you do?” He smiled with his soft voice. You looked at him for a couple seconds of contemplation. He seemed like a lovely boy and you couldn’t find a reason to not tell unless he you do and he surprises you by being disgusted and leaving. You decided why not, the worst that can happen is he walks away and you hardly know him; this is your first date after all.
“Well,” you started, clearing your throat, “I work as a, uh, Victoria’s Secret model.” You stuttered. Ashton’s face lit up, sitting up straight and pointing your way with one hand on his drink. “I knew you looked familiar! You’re the model on that one poster in the mall, right?” He asked. You blushed and nodded, looking down to avoid any awkward eye contact. “That’s super cool! You’re gorgeous.” He stated. “Thank you,” you breathed out, relief exiting your body as you knew this boy is a keeper.

When you first told Luke you were a Victoria’s Secret model, you thought he was going to get awkward and leave. But, nonetheless, that did not happen, thankfully. He thought it was hot and loved it. You asked if he’d stay with you just because you’re a model and immediately he said absolutely not. He loved everything about you and the fact that you’re a model was a perk. He told you that if you weren’t a model he’d still love every inch of you like he does now. This week you had a photo shoot and it was conveniently the week Luke was home from tour. You decided to have him come along since he’s been begging to join in on something of yours for the longest time. “Are there going to be any guys all over you?” He asked as he watched you get your makeup done. The artists giggled and smiled as you peaked your eye open at Luke. “No babe, it’s just me. It’s for an ad; there are no guys I promise.” Luke nodded and looked around to see people hustling around everywhere. It came to no shock, of course, considering he’s done this kind of thing before.
Your photographer called you over, telling you it’s now your time. You were both excited and nervous. You had done this before but never with Luke around which made you scared that you’d mess up or look bad, or even worse, Luke would leave. You shook off the nerves and smiled, walking over to the assigned spot. The woman told you to stand in a certain spot and you could see Luke clearly behind the camera. You looked away, your eyes going to the lenses as you posed, your face going serious while you could hear the camera shuttering away. With each pose passing, you felt more and more comfortable.
After a while, you were getting bored so you stood straight, looking right at a smiling Luke, infatuated with your work. “Come on Luke! Come take a picture with me.” You waved him over and his smile faded as the camera woman looked at him. He shook his head, shaking his hands. “No! This is your thing and… no I’m good.” You smiled and walked over to him. “Come on baby,” you whispered, placing your hands on his torso, running them down while keeping direct eye contact. “No,” he stuttered, “fans won’t like it if I’m on an ad with a model in, like, no clothing without any of my band mates.” You pouted and put your hands on his shoulders, getting close to his ears. “Then it’ll just be out pictures!” You said, taking his hands and dragging him to the spot you were at just before. The camera woman didn’t seem to have a problem, actually directing you and Luke into new poses that weren’t too sexual but were cute and fun. The first few pictures, Luke seemed to be quite uncomfortable but within the first ten minutes, you two were laughing and doing ridiculous poses, overall just having a blast.

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