Your Birthday

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In honor of my birthday today!!!

OKAY so Ashton would definitely be the type to stay up with you until midnight, waking you every so often when you begin to doze off, just to be able to be the first one to shout, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS!!!" And in the midst of the bear-like hug, he'd just hold you with a big smile like 'oh my gosh, I'm so lucky to have her I can't wait for the rest of the day, I've planned all this special shit!' As he's thinking that, you once again start to fall asleep and he notices so he takes both you and him to bed, cuddling you so close to his figure it seemed as though you two were one. Then, he'd wake up early and cook you a yummy, fun breakfast in bed and as you're eating, he'd tell you about the day he has planned and how excited he is. The day would literally be the most perfect day ever and of course end in some hot ass sex.

IGHT bro so Luke would make sure you both go to sleep before midnight because he personally likes the feeling of waking up on your birthday with the feeling that it's actually your birthday instead of staying up until midnight then waking up again and the feeling is not as good as it was before. SO, he'd figure you're the same way, or at least want the same feeling for you. ANyway, so in the morning, he'd wake up just a little earlier than you to get his present ready but you'd wake up before he expected and he has to rush to finish everything before you're up and about. He'd have a beautiful breakfast made all by himself (and a little of his mother's help via telephone), a giant present next to the table, a card beside the food, and a decorated dining chair with a crown because you're his princess. He would pull out the chair and when you sat down, he'd crown you like the little nerd he is and sit in the chair adjacent you. He'd tell you to open the card first and it's be something super cheesy but insanely adorable (like him), and when you start to eat, you're taken back by how delicious it all is. SO you're like, "oh my gosh, Luke, this is so good! Thank you so much babe, I love you so much!" And he says something like, "anything for my birthday princess. I love you too cutie." And then while you're eating, he's like, "today's your day, what do you want? Anything that ends before seven because I made reservations at your favorite restaurant." And you'd have a stuffed face of food as you looked at him and responded with, "right now, all I want to do is eat."

OMG MIChael would totally be the kind of guy to have both of you accidentally fall asleep in his man cave together while playing video games or watching a movie or something and then he'd wake up near midnight and realize you're sound asleep on him and he'd also remember it's your birthday but didn't want to wake you so he'd carry you to the bed with him where he'd gently cuddle you back to sleep. Then, you guys would wake up kind of super late but Mikey would end up waking up before you and he'd SO be the type to look at the clock and get so happy and get on his knees, straddling you while bouncing on the bed screaming, "GET UP, GET UP! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! GET UP LAZY BONES!!!" While simultaneously hitting you with his pillow until you groggily, while also angrily, woke up, pushing him off and saying something like, "get off me Michael! I'm trying to sleep." And he'd get up, walking to your side of the bed and pulling you up while saying, "how can you possibly sleep at a time like this!" And, with some trouble at first, you'd eventually get up because he'd just being SO cute. You guys would plan to go out to breakfast and maybe some shopping and then go out to dinner with the other boys. First, though, he'd suggest a shower. "Together," he'd add with a wink and you weren't going to say no because, for fuck's sake, it's Michael Clifford and a shower on your birthday. The day would be filled with so much fun as Michael is happy beyond belief, always touching you in some way and making more sexual jokes than before. At dinner, he'd constantly have his hand on your thigh and whispering in your ear, kissing your cheeks with slight lingering. When you two got home, you'd obviously end up having sex but, on the verge of climax, the clock would beep signaling that it's midnight and he'd pull out and say something like, "oh, it's not your birthday anymore." and pretend to just not want to have sex anymore and you'd be SO frustrated, like, you were so close, so you'd yell at him, straddling him just so you could finish, "YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THAT CLIFFORD. I know you're not finished either." And he'd find it SUPER hot when you top so he'd have a smirk as you rode him all night, making your birthday one to never forget.

Okay so Calum would get up really early to set everything up but you'd still be sleeping and he'd be insanely impatient. So, he'd come in and watch as you slept peacefully for a few seconds before loudly waking you up, alarming you to the point where you'd almost fall off the bed, yelling at him to not to that or you could have 'died'. He'd say something like, "Sorry babe but today's your birthday and I set up your gift and I've been waiting! Don't be a sleepy head and get up! It's your birthday, dammit! C'MON!!!" And he'd pull you but you wouldn't budge, mumbling a bunch of "no's" until he decided to carry you into the living room where a large box was wrapped with a fairly large bow. You'd smile as he set you down, walking over to the box that stood nearly as tall as you and skimmed your hand along the edge as if it was the most fragile thing you've ever had the honor of touching. You'd look his way and say, with a very small voice, "Calum, is this really for me? I mean, you really didn't have to. Having you is enough for me!" And he'd smile, walking over to you to grab your hands and kiss your lips, "you're my love, I had to get you something for your birthday!" You would blush and your voice would lower to a whisper, looking at the ground while saying, "I love you Calum." He would kiss you again and respond with an, "I love you too. Now, open it!!!" You'd get really excited again and drop his hands, going for the small card laying on top first. It would be some sexual card and you would roll your eyes but laugh anyway because how could you not. Inside the large box would be a smaller box, and inside that box would be a smaller one, and so on. You'd get frustrated, screaming, "HOW MANY BOXES ARE THERE?" Until you finally reach the last box, only small enough to fit into your hand. Opening it would be two concert tickets to your all-time favorite bands with meet and greets as well. Needless to say, you'd be super excited, jumping for joy, literally. Inevitable with Calum, sex would happen sometime during the day.


Sorry Ashton's is so short, I got carried away with the others!!!

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