He Is A Virgin And You Are Not

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His hands roamed your body, feeling every part as your mouth worked his neck. Your hands fixed at his belt, trying your hardest to undo it but with no luck. Something was in your way. You groaned, coming up to look at what was blocking you; Calum's hands. You looked at him quizzically. "Babe, everything okay?" He shook his head but did not speak. Your eyebrows raised as if to say 'go on'. He stared without saying anything. "Cal, baby, tell me what's wrong. Please don't be embarrassed, I won't judge." You soothed as your hands traced his stomach. He sighed and finally spoke, "I... I'm a virgin." You smiled, thanking that it wasn't like a medical issue; you didn't want to hurt him. "Hey, it's totally okay. Everyone has to have their first time, right? When you're ready, you tell me." He looked at you, relieved and kissed you once more. "I'm ready," he whispered, "especially with you."


"STOP (Y/N)!" Ashton laughed as you straddled above him, moving your fingers quickly along his sides. "(Y/N)!" He shouted, tears in his eyes as he was laughing so hard. You were too, most of the time your fingers missing his body. "I CAN'T BREATHE!" He giggled, grasping your wrists to stop you. You smiled devilishly down at him as his eyes were narrowed at you. You bent down to kiss him, both your smiles interrupting. "You know Ash," you whispered, "we've been together for quite a while now and we have never... you know." He looked at you very oddly, not knowing at all what you're talking about. "No, what?" You rolled your eyes as Ashton sat up and moved you to sit on his lap. "Have sex." You answered. His eyes went wide in acknowledgement now. Your hands played with his shirt collar and avoided eye contact in case of potential embarrassment. His thumb lifted your chin up though, looking right at you. "I've never had sex (Y/N)." He spoke. Your mouth fell open, shocked. "I'm so sorry Ash, just take your time until you're ready. I'll wait." He smiled and kissed you. "Thank you."


You had asked Calum, Luke, and Ashton to come with you in finding an anniversary gift for Michael. "We've been out for almost an hour and found nothing. What would he even want?" You sighed, sipping on your coffee as you all took a break at a small shop. Calum shrugged, "I don't know what he'd want that isn't bands." Ashton and Luke laughed while you just rolled your eyes and smiled. "I might as well just wrap my naked body in a bow and give him sex." You joked, but sounded totally serious. You were tired and you couldn't think. At this point though, Calum joined in laughing. You didn't understand why, so you just sat there looking lost until someone explained it to you. "Don't do that." Luke laughed. "Why not?" You weren't planning on it anyways. but now you're just curious. "Michael's a virgin." Ashton answered. Your mouth slightly opened. "Really?" All three boys nodded and took a sip of their drinks simultaneously. "Maybe.... maybe that will be his present. No one can rock your bed quite like me," you smirked. The boys broke into fits of laughter, vigorously shaking their heads. "Do it, but don't say that ever again-please." Ashton laughed as you shrugged, getting up to continue shopping.


"How are things with Luke?" Your best friend asked at your weekly Friday night sleepover through a game of Monopoly. You drew a big grin and blushed. "Really great," you giggled. Your friend nudged you and slightly laughed along. "How long has it been so far?" You stopped moving your piece to think for a moment. "A year and two months." Your friend nodded and smirked, seeming quite impressed. "Wow! Have you guys done anything yet?" She winked as you let out a gasp and hit her over the shoulder. "(Y/BFF/N)!" You scolded. She laughed, "what? I have to know my girl's details!" You chuckled and rolled your eyes, "we have not. Luke's a virgin. We're waiting until he's okay with it." Your friend nodded although looked strangely at you, "don't you mean 'he', not 'we'?" You shook your head, smiling proudly, "No, we."


Hello! Okay, so these are some requested preferences from before. I'm not writing as much on here though because of my fanfic (Beginning of the End (AU0-Michael Clifford, if you guys want to check it out).

Please DO NOT reqeust anymore, I'm not taking requests currently because of the fanfic. I will update on my own but just not requested or regularly. Thank you!<3

Also, maybe you wanna follow my tumblr? I do ships, blurbs, au memes, preferences with gif+pictures, and personal imagines! asiancxlum.tumblr.com

-Alyssa XOXO

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