You Can't Sleep

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Oh my GOSH OKAY so I really honestly feel like Michael would do something really ridiculous. He'd probably notice that you can't sleep or you'd tell him, whatever, and he'd take you into the kitchen and make you some coffee and maybe ice cream or something and he'd get some for himself too. You'd be like what the FUCK are you doing Michael, caffeine makes you stay awake and he'd be like that's very true BUT it also makes you crash. So you'd roll your eyes but eat anyway because you can't get to sleep anyway. So, Michael would say something like, "wait an hour or so and we'll be out!" So y'all would wait, maybe watch a movie or play a game or talk, and then, before you know it, the sun will be rising and you'd look at him like, "are you kidding me... I didn't get any sleep and I have to be out in four hours!" And he'd laugh until he saw you were serious and then panic and look up online how to fall asleep easily and by the time he found something, you'd be asleep. 


Ashton, on the other hand, would be very different. He'd act like he knew exactly what to do and make sure you stayed in bed while he scurried around the room, removing every electronic while mumbling, "they say to keep work out of the bedroom!" By the time he finished, he'd turn some relaxing music very, very softly and hold you close, paying with your hair and whispering cute sayings like, "I love you", etc. You'd laugh because you really don't think this would work but, in nearly no time, you' be asleep in his arms with him smirking that he was right all along and waited until morning to boast about it.


Luke would be the kind of person to ask what you want to do, thinking you had a cure to your own problem here, but when you reply with a no, he wracks his brain of what to do. He'd probably end up taking you on a drive, being really tired himself but doing it for his princess and he'd play songs that relate to driving at night like Tear In My Heart because he's a shit. So, he'd probably be softly singing while holding your hand and not talking because he thought it would keep you up. Although, every few seconds he would look over to see if you're asleep and when you're not, he tries talking like, "did you see that deer, dear?" And laugh and you'd roll your eyes because that was LAME but you;d laugh because, c'mon, how could you not? And so when he sees that you're finally sleeping, he'd be like oh thank GOD and he'd drive home and carry you up and tuck you in while he cuddled you and fall asleep fast because BOY was he TIRED. 


OKAY DUDE Calum would so be the guy to tell you a story but kind of tell it lazily because he's still half asleep. So, you'd wake him up and be like yo dude, I can't fucking sleep and he'd sleepily hold out his arm that you'd snuggle into and and he'd get himself comfortable and kiss the back of your head before you said something like, "tell me a story." He'd clear his throat and begin to tell a story about what happened at the studio today in this nice, raspy voice and you'd listen tentatively and he'd try his best to make it a good story despite the fact that he'd literally falling asleep. So, he wouldn't know when you fell asleep because he couldn't see your face, but nearly three quarters of the way through, you'd already be asleep, and he'd just be falling asleep. So, he'd doze off without even finishing and in the morning, you don't even remember anything about the story but he'd be joking about it like, "isn't it ridiculous what Luke did?" And you'd be hella confused and he'd be like, "I LITERALLY just told you last night." But you'd shrug it off and insist that he did not and that night the same thing would happen.


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