Chapter 4~ Guess who's back!

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No one's Pov

Julie walked into the studio, but couldn't see Luke. She wandered around for a bit and realised she hadn't checked the loft. She climbed up the ladder and found Luke there, curled up into a ball.

"Luke.." He looked up and into her eyes. His deep brown eyes drawing her in, she wanted to kiss him but she knew she had to talk to him first. "Luke, I'm sorry for ignoring you during 'Finally Free' but just take my phone and read these texts between me and Flynn"

Luke looked at her for a moment and slowly took the phone. Julie could tell he'd been crying, did it really effect him that much?

Luke handed the phone back to Julie and then said "I get you want to be a secret, me too. But not forever. You didn't have to listen to Flynn, I'm glad you didn't near the end but god Julie, it hurts! That wasn't fair towards my feelings, I really want to be with you but if your always going to listen to Flynn then maybe this isn't what we should be doing"

Those words hit Julie like a truck, did he really want that? "I really want to be with you Luke. I'll stop listening to Flynn, i just really want you to know how sorry I am" He just looked at me

"Yeah well I don't believe that you are, and no this isn't a break up. But maybe we should just have a break for a few days, I'll see you at band practice" He got up to start leaving but before he left he looked down at Julie

Luke's Pov

He looked down at Julie and say that she was sobbing, he hated seeing her cry but it's what they needed.

He knelt down in front of her and took her hands, he placed a feather light, long kiss on her lips. He never wanted to leave now "Julie, this is what we need, although it's only been a day. But we did rush into a relationship, I'm still here for you to hug you when your sad, to kiss you whenever you just need me to be there and to sing with you whenever you want. But until I know your sorry we shouldn't be in a relationship" This made Julie cry more

He kissed her one more time with more passion, it got heated but before it could go any further he pulled away "I'll see you at rehearsal" and then he was gone.

As soon as he was alone he cried, he was crying like a girl but he didn't care. He liked Julie for a while, and they only dated for a day so why was he in so much pain about this? He needs answers, from Willie.

He went back to the ghost club, hoping Willie was here. He heard wheels of a skateboard and then they came to a halt "Luke?" Luke turned around and saw the boy he was looking for "Willie! Where have you been?! I need some answers and Alex has been looking for you!"

"What answers?" Willie just looked at Luke confused "After the Orpheum, Julie could hug all of us, and i have a relationship question"

"Okay well you crossed over..well you're beginning to, but I can't explain. But what's your relationship problem?"

"Me and Julie started going out today but i said I wanted a break due to reasons. Why does it hurt so bad when it's only been a day?"

"Because you're soulmates" What? "How do you know?"

"Because, Caleb done this weird thing that said who everyone's soulmate is. Mine is Alex, yours is Julie, and Reggie's is Flynn" Woah...

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