Chapter 5~ Oh, more jealousy

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Julie's Pov

It was the day after my fight with Flynn, she wouldn't answer my calls or texts. What's up with her? I get that she's upset but what she said to Luke was rude and diabolical!

I walked into school alone, usually I walk in with Flynn or Luke, but Luke hasn't came home since Flynn made him leave and obviously Flynn isn't talk to me.

"Hey Julie!" Nick? Oh god Nick. "Hey Nick..what's up?"

"Look, I know you said you liked someone else but go on another date with me please?" I sighed and rolled my head to the side for some reason, as I looked to my left I saw Luke's head pop back behind the pillar "No thanks Nick, I'm perfectly happy liking who I like" Then I walked away into the direction of where Luke was.

There was a stick note stuck to the pillar, with Luke's handwriting "Julie, meet me behind the school so I can explain why I was here" I'll just go to the office and pretend I'm sick

Okay now that I'm allowed to go home, time to find Luke, ah there he is

"Luke, why are you here?! I haven't seen you since last night and when I do see you, you're spying on me?!" I already feel bad

"I was coming to give you your notebook since I know you like to write songs in your spare time at school, but then I saw you with Nick so I couldn't talk to you and I got jealous, speaking of Nick he's coming this way.."

I look over to see Nick coming this way so I pretend to be on a phone call "Yeah bye Alex, I'll see you later" Hopefully that worked

"Alex..?" Two jealous boys in one day? This is exhausting. "Yeah he's my gay band mate, the drummer"

"Ohhhh!" Luke walked behind Nick and started imitating him like last time when I had to dance with Nick

"So i was thinking...blah blah blah" All I could hear was Luke making fun of Nick

"Ooooh I'm Mr blonde perfect guitarist, i loveeeeeee julie so much and I just want to date her! But gasp! She likes someone else! I just want her to love me" i snickered and noticed Nick heard it

"Um what's so funny about me asking if you wanted to hang out.." CRAP "Nick I'm sorry but I'm busy with the band, bye" I walked away and I could feel Nicks eyes on the back of my head

I burst out laughing as soon as I was round the corner "Luke let's just go home and we'll talk about it there"

"But what about school?"

"I pretended I'm sick so I could go home" Luke got excited at that, I bet he wants to write songs

"Can we finish that song then?" Knew it! "Yup we can!"

At home

We finished writing the song that we want to play at our next gig, it's not like our usual ones but I like it, then Nick started calling me

"Ugh can't I get a break?!" I pressed ignore and then chucked my phone onto 'Luke's couch'

"Just block him, he's clearly obsessed with you, I mean who wouldn't be.." I froze and before I could answer I heard "Oooooh, Julie has a boyfriend" and then "Luke has a girlfriend"

Reggie and Alex. I rolled my eyes and laughed, little did they know me and Luke haven't actually made anything official..yet.

They both picked up Luke and started chanting "Luke likes Julie, Luke likes Julie" Alex tripped over his foot so all 3 of them went tumbling down, I couldn't help but laugh at the 3 boys in a messy pile on the floor

"Heyyyyy! Stop laughing" Reggie whined "I honestly don't know how you convinced me to do this Reggie" then Alex and Reggie started arguing about who made who do it

"Okay enough" Luke said "Me and Julie don't go out, yet"

"So she's still up for grabs?" Reggie joked, making Luke mad "No Reggie, I'm not" Luke turned around "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean I already like someone" I could tell Luke was getting jealous "He has brown shaggy hair, plays guitar, sings with me and writes songs with me" Luke sighed and hugged me, really tight

"Okay calm down Luke, any tighter and you'll stop her airflow" Alex joked

"Yeah, yeah, let's just start rehearsal"

After rehearsal (because I don't want you guys to hear my song yet)

I walked upstairs to my room, and as I walked in Luke was lying on my bed

"Ahhhh! Luke you have to stop doing that!" He just laughed "Yeah well uh, we need to talk"

Authors note :)
I feel terrible cause I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger! What do you think Luke wants to talk about?

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