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I was sitting in my office, doing my work silently. I was thinking of getting some lunch when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said and sat up straight in my chair.

My intern assistant, Jisoo strode in and stood in front of my desk. "Someone's here to see you, Sir."

"Alright, they can come in."

She nodded and left the room. I went back to closing my files and organizing my table. Then I smelled it. Oh, that intoxicating, arnica scent mixed with a hint of my own pine. It was Jimin, my mate.

And sure enough, Jimin was standing at my door, smiling and clutching my forgotten lunch bag. "You left this at home. My shift ended at work so I brought it here."

My gaze shifted from him to my juniors who were sitting in their cubicles outside my cabin. And I could very clearly make out that their eyes were on him. I didn't like it but I could understand why they were all staring at him. Jimin was the perfect combination of beauty and brains. He worked for an online clothing line and since the company was so successful despite having started only a year ago, their working hours were sort of harsh. But the fact that Jimin wanted to spend his rare break with me was way more important than the people who were staring at him. I quickly got up and pulled him inside, shutting the door.

"Wow. You're not even going to say 'Hi?'" he whined. 

I quickly leaned down and kissed him. I knew that always shut him up. I weaved my hands around him, lifting him off his feet so we could be closer. Our lips moved in synchronization and in spite of being married for almost a year, each kiss made me fall in love with him all over again. He mewled and I was glad that the other workers' cubicles were at least five feet away from us. I didn't want them to hear my Jimin's sounds. Only I could hear them.

I pulled away to let us breathe. I always had to be the one who broke our kisses because Jimin would never do that. He said that he couldn't think of anything except me when we're being close and that worrying about us breathing should be my job as he was too busy being smitten by me. As if it was easy for me to clear my head when I was around him. Jimin was so Jimin.

That was enough to describe him. As a matter of fact, I think Jimin should officially be made an adjective for someone who's...practically perfect.

"Hi, baby," I mumbled against his lips.

I felt him smile. "What about 'Thank you?'"

I pecked him. "Thank you, Minnie."

He got out of my grip, blushing happily and waved the lunch bag in front of my face. "I don't have much time so let's eat now. I'm starving."


Jimin slipped his coat back on. "Okay, Jungkook, I'll be home around 9. When are you getting off?"

"8. But I'll come pick you up. Wait for me outside of the building," I said as I cleaned up. I loved picking Jimin up from work. It felt so domestic. Plus, it gave me a chance to let everyone who worked with Jimin know that he's mine. And I'm not dying anytime soon so their chances are pretty much less than zero.

"Alright, see you then." He quickly gripped my collar and pulled me down for a kiss. Someday, I'm really going to get scratches at the back of my neck. But it's okay, I'll make Jimin kiss them better. I straightened up like always. "Love you. Bye."

"I love you too."

He opened the door and again, I saw everyone look up from their computers and files and just ogle at Jimin. I was suddenly struck with an idea. 

"Wait, Jimin!" I called out hurriedly. 

He turned around from where he stood at the threshold and looked at me questioningly. I fished out one of Jimin's mufflers from my drawer. I had some of his stuff with me at work so I could remember him through his scent and feel motivated. Like that could ever happen. All they did was distract me but I still kept them. 

I brushed the scarf profusely over the base of my neck, where my scent gland is. I wasn't satisfied until it was saturated with my scent. Jimin just stared at me as I rubbed myself like a madman. I wrapped it around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Right at the door with everyone watching. That's right, guys. You ain't ever getting him. 

"Don't take it off or I'll be very sad," I requested while pouting, trying to muster all of my non-existed cuteness.

Jimin giggled and kissed my cheek. "Okay, bunny," he murmured. 

I watched as he disappeared as the elevator's door closed and I felt really smug because no one dared to look at Jimin as he walked past them.

He always assured me that nothing could make him leave me and that he's mine for as long as we both live. Maybe in our next lives we'll be together as well. And I always responded with, 'What can I say? You're gorgeous.' 

I loved praising Jimin because for some completely incomprehensible reason, he sometimes felt very insecure of his talent and looks. Someone that ethereal should forever be reminded of their worth. And I'm more than willing to do that. 



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You're so gorgeous
I can't say anything to your face (to your face)
'Cause look at your face (look at your face)
And I'm so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You're gorgeous

Inspired by Taylor Swift's 'Gorgeous.'


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