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I stretched my arm out, seeking Jimin's warmth but was only met with the cotton bedsheet. I frowned. Where was he? I sat up and tried to force my eyes open. 

"Jimin?" I called.

"Out here!" came his voice from the balcony.

Jimin and I were in Paris. It was our first anniversary tomorrow and after both of us having weaseled a week off from work, Jimin surprised me with plane tickets. He said that since I'd never been out of Korea now was the best time.

I put on my slippers and made my way to him. He was leaning on the railing with his forearms and looking at the fantastic view in front of us. Paris was beautiful-there were beaches, monuments, museums and of course, as Jimin liked to call it 'the most romantic place on Earth, the Eifel Tower.' I stood behind him, my chin resting on his head and arms around him.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked him curiously.

"Oh, I was just remembering our time in University. Do you recall?"

I hummed as my thoughts travelled. University Jimin was something I could never forget. He was my junior, a brilliant student. The only thing wrong with him was his anxiety. He worried about everything-his grades, his future, his appearance, his dinner and later on, me. It was almost comical to see him approach me where I was standing outside his class and suddenly his eyebrows would pull together and he'd go, "Shit, there's only 3 months left for finals!"

This was one of the many examples of Jimin's turbulent personality, he's much more easy-going now though but I think it's because I'm rubbing off on him.

"You were always so panicky," I said as I laughed. "Remember when once we were in the middle of something, and you stopped me just because you couldn't quite recollect 'what was written right under the heading of the first chapter' quote unquote."

"Yeah, you looked so pissed. I was terrified you might eat me alive," Jimin replied. "Oh, wait, you did."

I chortled. "The first time we met...." I trailed off, trying to grab at the older memories. 

"I think at Taehyung's birthday. I planned a surprise party for him and asked Yoongi to get his friends. He invited almost everyone!"

I smiled. "That's our Yoongs. And I had come with the football team. Gosh, the look on your face had us wheezing. It was as though you'd seen a mafia gang."

"Hey, don't blame me! You guys were all tall and muscular and buff and I was just standing there in the kitchen trying to write Tae's name on the cake with the icing," he said defensively.

"It's okay, sweetheart. I thought it was cute." I tried to calm him.

"Did you? Is that why you asked Tae for my number?"

I hummed quietly in response. 

"He just showed up in front of my dorm room and said that he'd given my number to some guy. I yelled his ear off that day," he continued. "But I'm glad it was just you."

"And for our first date, I took you ice skating," I murmured, the memories spilling out.

"Oh, Dear God, don't remind me," he wailed. "Oh, I couldn't even stand up straight, let alone glide over the ice as gracefully as you."

"Well, that just gave me an excuse to hold you hand," I said.

"I fell face first, Kookie. People were watching us."

"Ah, yes. I think it was the first time I got a good, uninterrupted view of your ass."

He pinched my forearm and I shrieked. He was tiny but his pinches were as painful as ant stings. 

"That's what you get for being a pervert," he said, satisfied.

"What about you, huh? Do you think you were very sneaky with your stares?" I retaliated, amused and in the mood for teasing.

"Uh-oh," I heard him whisper.

I spun him around and picked him up. He wrapped his thighs around my waist but refused to meet my eyes. "Oh, I remember everything," I teased.

He slapped my arm. "Stop it," he whined. "Tae told me that all the alphas at your dorm, including him, were sick of hearing my name all the time."

"That traitor," I muttered. "I'll get to him later. I know a lot about his fantasies of Yoongi."

Jimin giggled. "They're always around each other. And everyone knows that they're in love. Except for them, of course. Shall we meddle once we get back?"

"We shall." I threw him onto the bed and lay behind him. "But right now, it's 8 and I'm very sleepy and desperate for my daily dose of cuddles."

"It's 12 but okay," he said, laughing and weaved his arms around me as we both drifted off to sleep. In Paris. At noon. With so much to see and experience here but we were just lazy sloths. Well, what can you do? 


I'm back!


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